Podcast: Better Living Through Lab Tests

Better Living Through Lab Tests-health coach certification, certified health coach, health coach jobs, Jobs for health coaches, health coach jobs, remote online health coaches, virtual health coach jobs, health coach websites, health coaching websites, websites for health coaches, functional nutrition certification

Do you suspect that you could have more energy or feel better than you currently do? Viewing our bodies as interconnected ecosystems, it follows that these feelings and symptoms are often indicative of different kinds of stressors and upstream problems that are difficult to identify. Reed Davis agrees and he brings a fascinating perspective to […]

How Stress May Be Making You Fat

How stress may be making you fat

Is stress making you fat? Is it making it difficult for you to lose to excess weight in your body? In this interview by Sean Croxton, Reed Davis talks about hormones and adrenal dysfunction and how it contributes to excess weight. He also addresses other topics, such as parasites, hormone imbalances, adrenal dysfuntion, types of testing […]

Overcoming the 3 O’Clock Energy Slump

The 3 OClock Energy Slump

Do you suffer from a lack of energy or fatigue, midday? Then you are you a member of the 3 o’clock energy slump club! Is an afternoon caffeine boost something you can’t make it through the day without? Maybe you work at home and naps are a part of your routine. Not the leisurely day, […]

HPA Axis Dysfunction: More than Adrenal Fatigue

HPA Axis Dysfunction More than Adrenal Fatigue

For most people, life is busy. In fact it is often too busy for many. At work and at home, people find themselves dealing with seemingly endless obligations, projects, tasks and chores that all need attention.  They are subjected to frequent stimulation from smart phones, tablets, laptops, mp3 players and televisions which cause overload. There […]

Adrenal Fatigue: Whipping a Tired Body

Adrenal Fatigue Whipping a Tired Body FDN

Due to the fast paced and convenience driven lifestyle that has become so common, few of us are as healthy as we think. In a world where nearly everyone is run down, it’s easy to accept as normal. But in reality, this is a compromised state of health that deprives you of a much better […]