5 Tips on How to Start a Health Coaching Business


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Do you have the vision and desire to open your own Health Coaching business?

With conscientious planning, good marketing and guidance from people who have been there, you too can start a thriving business.

Here are five tips to help get your Health Coaching business off the ground.

Write a business plan. A good business plan will: keep you on track with your spending and finances, is a necessity for financial loans, and helps you define your niche.

Develop a marketing strategy. Identifying what makes you unique will allow you to standout to your ideal clients.

Build your business brand. Your business brand should reflect what your business is about and who you are as a person.

Grow your online presence. Growing your online presence is linked to developing your marketing strategy. Develop your business website and use social media platforms for business exposure.

Establish your program. Develop your Health Coaching program before you begin any advertising.

Of course with training as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, you will have the skills and tools that separate you from other practitioners. This is why FDN Health Coaches never run out of potential clients, making them the most successful in the world of health and wellness.

And that’s it for this week’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Vlog of the Week.

And that’s it for this week’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Vlog of the Week.

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