[00:00:00] Detective Ev: What is going on, my friends? Welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, aka Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show about a 9-year-old son diagnosed with Leukemia, who’s now thriving in his 20’s.
Sara Banta is someone who healed multiple people in her family through the things that she learned. Which is unique in a sense. A lot of times family can be very resistant to this stuff, especially when we’re starting out. Then we win eventually when they see that we healed. They at least respect it, although it might not be for them.

Sara had some of that for sure, but also was able to do so much for her kids. This is interesting in the sense that we’re talking about long-term success here. It’s just as valid to hear from people that might have only been quote/unquote “healed” for a year or two. But I think there’s something particularly interesting to all of us as listeners. Even though I interview, I’m still listening to what the person’s saying and I’m learning things all the time. It’s very interesting from a listener perspective to be able to know you had some really serious stuff going on here. You were able to get it better and maintain that for very long periods of time.
I think you guys are going to enjoy this one very much. This is really cool. I enjoyed this one.
A little bit about Sara, then we will get started. She is the owner of Accelerated Health Products, in addition to the host of the Accelerated Health TV and Radio Show, which reaches a whopping 450,000 listeners a month.
Now Thriving: Detox, Reset, & Rebuild
She helps her clients and listeners reach their optimal state of health through proper frequency-enhanced detox supplements, cutting-edge technologies, and modalities.
Her journey hit rock bottom about 15 years ago when she was suffering from Crohn’s disease, hormonal issues, PCOS, and heavy metal toxicity. After Western Medicine couldn’t give her answers or solutions, she discovered natural ones that actually worked. As she was on her journey, she was also hit with her nine-year-old son’s diagnosis of leukemia. It was at that moment that she knew she had a bigger calling in life, and that was to open people’s eyes to the world of natural healing.

Fast forward to today where she serves her clients and listeners with cutting-edge protocols that combine Scalar frequency-based supplements, Chinese medicine, healing devices, and much more to detox, reset, and rebuild their body, mind, and spirit.
She has a degree from Stanford University in Economics and Psychology, Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and the Invincible Wellness System. We got the full package for you today, folks. She is a strong personality, very well spoken, extremely intelligent, and she healed the heck out of herself and her family. Without further ado, let’s get to today’s episode.
Alright. Hello there Sara, and welcome to the Health Detective Podcast. How are ya?
[00:02:57] Sara Banta: I’m great. Thank you so much for having me on. I’m excited about today.
[00:03:01] Detective Ev: You jumped up our video quality here and I’ll say it, we definitely look okay. So I’m glad that we did that. Obviously, if you are an audio listener, no worries. We’re not doing anything today that requires video. Most of our audience actually is on audio, but you guys can always catch this stuff on YouTube as well.
Now Thriving: Aiming for Excellency
We always start off with a very similar question on this podcast when it’s relevant to the guest. And being in our space, it’s relevant 99% of the time because very few people get into this space by accident. I always like to ask what were people’s health symptoms? Where did they start? What did they begin dealing with? And then we can talk about other stuff with that. But I’m just curious because I know you dealt with some things. So, what was that like and when did it begin?
[00:03:42] Sara Banta: It began in my childhood. I was raised by two healthy adults who had no health issues. They were slender. So, especially when you have no weight issues, you don’t think about what you’re eating, right? There’s no reason to diet, there’s no reason to be picky about food.
So, I was raised in this household with three other siblings where everyone else just ate whatever. But for me, that didn’t feel good, and I didn’t know why. I was also in the generation where fat was bad. Eat as much sugar as you can or want because there’s no fat in it. And processed foods don’t matter because if there are no fat processed foods, then you’re okay. That was my upbringing.

In the meantime, I was a student, an athlete, a type A personality, so whatever I did, I was going to do my best. Fast forward to when I got into college, things in my gut just were getting worse and they weren’t feeling great. Then fast forward to when I was about 26, pregnant with my first child and those babies steal every little bit of nutrients out of you. So, then my body just got worse and worse.
Now Thriving: Fermenting & Rotting Food
Finally, child number three, I was depleted. My hair was falling out, my skin was breaking out. I looked like I was pregnant when I wasn’t pregnant anymore. Well, I wasn’t fat; I’ve never had a weight issue. That was never the issue. But I would go to a GI doctor who honestly couldn’t remember my name every time I went into the office.
He put tubes down me, up me, around me, and literally at the end of the diagnosis was, take some Metamucil, and you’ve got IBS. I said, no; I’m not going to settle for that. And I went and found this practitioner who uses a machine called the SCIO machine. It’s a biofeedback machine that scans your body for over 10,000 items. He literally was a godsend.

Now he’s my mentor and helps formulate my supplements today. Long story short, it was a marriage at first sight. But at the same time when he first scanned my body, he goes, I’m shocked that you got into this office and got out of bed. You have no energy. Your gut is not moving at all. You’re not digesting food. It’s literally fermenting and rotting in your stomach. Of course, you feel awful, your hair’s falling out, your skin’s breaking out, and you’re anemic. I’m like, oh my gosh. I started crying because finally someone knew how I was feeling.
By the way, I had PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. That is the number one issue for fertility for women. We’ll get into that in a minute, but I had that on top of everything else. I had high heavy metal toxicity, PCOS, acne, on the verge of Crohn’s disease, heavy metals through the roof. My levels of lead and mercury were not even on the charts.
Now Thriving: Against the Traditional Route
All of these things were just this pile of, where do we start? So, we just started peeling the onion one thing at a time. And as I was going along my health journey, my eldest son, who was nine years old at the time, I was just starting to learn about health and supplements and things, he was diagnosed with leukemia.
With that, my world stopped. It was not about me anymore; it was about him. For all of you moms out there, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When we got that diagnosis, he goes, mom, why are you crying? You’re going to fix me. And I go, you’re right; I am. And I’m not going to stop until we find solutions.

It got to the point where, I was smart enough to know that going through the traditional route of how you treat cancer can do a lot of damage. I wasn’t going to do that to my son. That’s where we put together a protocol of natural supplements. And back then I didn’t know all I know about diet. I did as best as I could with what I knew.
But my flagship product still today is the one that turned his life around and that’s the Accelerated Silver. Not only within one year did the blood go from finding cancer cells and very anemic, nutritionally deficient, acidic cells underneath the microscope to the most beautiful blood, no cancer cells in sight. These cells were nice and dark and plump and full of nutrition and there’s no sign of anemia anymore.
That nine-year-old is now a 21-year-old in college who went through the last three years with testing positive a couple times and no symptoms. That’s the same as everyone in my family.
Now Thriving: Doing Double Workouts
So, the three kids, my husband, and I have all tested at least twice positive with no symptoms. This supplement strengthened the immune system, and it has so many more benefits to it. That was back when I didn’t really even know much of anything else.
Well, that was the start and the inspiration of my business to where I am today. Now that’s just my son. My two daughters didn’t have cancer, but my one daughter had anemia, asthma, allergies. I joke in the family, now I can say this out loud because she’s not like this anymore. But when she was four years old, I couldn’t get her out of bed to go on a bike ride with the family around the block.
She had zero energy, and I didn’t like her. I loved her, but she was such a pain in the booty because she wouldn’t do anything. She wouldn’t get dressed for me. You moms out there know what I’m talking about when you’re pulling your hair out because your child’s not going to do what you want. The girl didn’t feel good. She had no energy, no brain power, no body power.
That girl today is a freshman at USC rowing on the rowing team. Now, I don’t know if any of you have been on a rowing machine out there, but it is the hardest workout out there besides maybe cross-country skiing. You’ve got to use your muscles and your endurance, your aerobic, anaerobic all at once. And she’s at a prestigious school on that team.

So, for that little four-year-old, who didn’t have the energy to go run around the block or even get on her bike around the block is now doing double workouts at a prestigious university. It is insane.
Now Thriving: Learning Issues
Also, whenever she used to get the cold or a flu, it would last three to four weeks instead of just one week, like the regular person. To compound that, a year ago, we were actually looking at colleges and had traveled cross country to go look at a college and we had to test.
I’m going to be careful with how I say this because of the topic that we’re talking about. But we both had to test to make sure that we were safe to be around everybody. Everyone’s wearing masks and all of that. We both felt great because otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten on the plane to go on the trip in the first place.
I tested positive, had no idea that I even had it because I felt great. She had been around me, traveled with me, sleeping in my bed with me because we were traveling together and all of that. Well, she still tested negative, never skipped a beat, and her immune system was stronger than ever. This is the girl that would catch anything when she was younger because of a weak immune system. Anything that someone in the room had, she would catch.

My third child, probably my healthiest of all, had issues with learning. She wasn’t dyslexic or ADHD. But in second grade she looked at me and goes, mom, I keep reading the paragraph over and over again and it doesn’t make sense. I just was crying. We would have the two older kids try to read with her, try to make sense of it. What was it? This is where I said, okay, we’re going to look at the diet, we’re going to look at supplements. We’re going to really put together a protocol for you.
Now Thriving: God-Given Challenges
That girl is a junior in high school in all honors classes. Her grades are better than her two older siblings. So, it’s really crazy what the body can do.
I always look back to these experiences as inspiration when any other challenge comes forth in my life. I say, okay, I am so excited about this challenge because I know it’s going to help so many other people out there. This is my muscle that I need to strengthen or to learn about, to help thousands and thousands of people out there.

I always say God gives me a challenge within the five of us in our household to help me learn to help people out there and to grow my business so that I can really be that source of knowledge and solutions for everyone else.
[00:13:36] Detective Ev: Wow. I’m sorry that it happened. But at the same time, I think you’re at this point probably very grateful because of what it’s done for your life and what you can now do for others.
This is the exact reason we do the show, right? Because even when we get to talk about people’s companies and the things that they created, this, to me, is the bread and butter.
Because what’s really interesting about your story is a lot of people come on and it’s a very personal health journey. Sometimes they actually feel quite isolated from their family members because the family is almost watching this from the outside while they’re the ones experiencing it. But you have this case where all three kids at least have something. Obviously, there’s different degrees here, no doubt, but they all have something.
Now Thriving: Direct Natural Approach
And I think you’re proving the point of this whole functional medicine, natural medicine, whatever we want to call it, you have a repeatable process. You’re literally showing that over and over again people can get sick and then they get well with quite serious things.
Anyone that listens regularly knows this (I had no idea about your son), the cancer thing is not actually something we touch on a ton here. We’re not against it, but it is hard to find stories where people took a natural approach, especially an exclusively natural approach.

Many individuals will go through two, three years of chemo. It comes back and then they try some other things. God bless them, man. I’m not discrediting that. If I got a diagnosis of cancer, I think that would rock my world a little bit. I’ve had diagnoses of other severe things, but that’s a different ballpark because you feel like you have a time limit; and quite frankly, you do to a certain degree. It’s just very hard to find people that took a more direct natural approach from day one.
I know I seem like I’m rewinding a little bit, but before we even get into some of the supplemental stuff and all these other things, one thing I have to touch on is honestly the thing I’m most fascinated by. You talked about how you knew you weren’t getting help, felt like the doctor didn’t even remember your name and maybe they literally didn’t. And then you end up at this person who’s doing biofeedback energetic stuff with scans. I could be wrong, but generally speaking, it wouldn’t go from A to B like that. There’s normally some stuff in between.
Now Thriving: Divine Intervention
So, I have to ask if I can, what was the mindset at the time? I’m so fascinated by this because I have individuals in my own life, unfortunately, family members, who have passed away because they were never open to going away from the conventional path. And these are very smart people.
Then I have people in my life of no particular special intellectual talents. They’re very average intelligence people. And they somehow realized, wait, this doesn’t make sense. I gotta go do something else.
Was it so literally from just the Western medicine doctors to getting scans, which that’s something you need to be very open-minded for. Obviously, our audience is, but it takes a while to get there. Or were there some steps in between?

[00:16:07] Sara Banta: I think it was literally divine intervention because it was so blatantly obvious that I was not going to get help with the Western medicine doctor. And believe me, Western medicine is needed. I was in a car accident in 2015. So, I hit the steering wheel at 50 miles an hour, needed stitches down to the bone, was in the emergency room, and thank goodness. Okay? Not taking away from that but I was not gonna get help.
My mom, out of all people, was the one who introduced me to this person. And I thought, what’s there to lose. There was nothing to lose. He was going to scan me. It was a couple hundred dollars. When I was in his office and he described exactly how I was feeling and no one in the world knew that, not my husband, not my parents. Everyone thought I needed antidepressants because, of course, I was depressed. I didn’t feel good, but it wasn’t a mood or a chemical issue.
Now Thriving: Incorporating Traditional & Cutting-Edge
When he described me better than I even knew, I started crying with tears of joy. It was like I’m all in. Everything he told me about diet and supplements and what was going on in my body made sense. I started learning, researching, and learning on podcasts. Google was my best friend. And then I would go to him and ask more questions. He would answer them and tell me what to look up and what to search.
Over the years before I even started my business or before I even got into podcasting, I did so many hours of just work and soaking in all of this information from Ayurvedic supplements and philosophy to Chinese medicine, to the cutting-edge Scalar frequency.

That’s where I come in is my company incorporates all of those all in one – very traditional, thousand old recipes of herbs and plant medicine combined with cutting-edge supplements and devices. And I use biofeedback in my business as well and on my website. They’re different levels of different types of biofeedback that you can have at your home to empower you so you can literally diagnose yourself and treat yourself or your loved one.
Here we are going into the fall with another flu season, and I believe they’re going to be trying to bring back masks and things like that this fall. How great would it be to be able to be in control of your health and to know what’s really going on in your body and not second guess?
Back to your original question, I think it was divine intervention and it was just an aha moment that someone actually understood what was going on in me, day one.
Now Thriving: Societal Stereotypes
[00:19:17] Detective Ev: That makes total sense too knowing that your mom was involved to some degree. Because I can totally get it if someone is doing this, saying all these things, and they fully understand you. That was an amazing connection and jump. There are other people on here that it’s a quick jump as well.
It’s very interesting how many people answer that question with some form of divine intervention – I just knew – a gut feeling. It must be 90% of the people that I’ve interviewed, and I’ve probably interviewed 200 people. Everyone comes back to some answer outside of the practical, and I think that’s really amazing.
Small detail, but something I gotta bring up because, guys, this just goes to show you, I think a lot of our practitioners sometimes worry about their businesses and stuff. They’re like, it’s an oversaturated market. There are still people out there like Sara and myself, I promise you, that have been victims of the whole because-you’re-skinny-it-doesn’t-matter-what-you-eat type of thing. There are literally people today that fully believe this, and that’s what happened to me as a kid.
This is a case of grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side, right? Because I know some people would kill to not gain weight easily, and that’s just something I don’t do. But at the same time, when someone is a hundred pounds overweight, everyone knows that they’re unhealthy. That’s just a societally known thing.

When someone has severe cystic acne, anxiety, depression, GERD, sinusitis, all these things that I had, but is also skinny, no one said or thought maybe it’s your diet. You’re eating like crap; this is what’s leading to these symptoms.
Now Thriving: A Serious One
You can be any weight, that doesn’t give you an excuse to eat a bunch of crappy food. That’s not how that works. There are still chemicals in it; there’s a variety of issues that happen with that.
Something that stuck out to me because I just remember it. I know the narrative’s changing, and I think people are more open to this than ever before. Even going 15 years back for myself, these were profound thoughts. Oh, what I put in my mouth could lead to the stuff on my skin. No one told me that. My dermatologist certainly didn’t tell me that.
So, you’ve been through quite a lot. Your family’s been through quite a lot and it’s amazing to get to hear this other side. And again, just one more thing before we touch on what you’re actively doing now. For the parents out there that might be in the midst of dealing with a severe diagnosis for themselves, let alone their child, that’s gotta be a crazy thing to experience. What would your advice be to them? These are tough decisions.
Sara, you seem like a very confident person, very strong personality. But there’s a lot of individuals out there that if their nine-year-old gets diagnosed with leukemia, they are gonna take a very traditional route, which might not end up being beneficial long term. And I’m not giving medical advice. This is a serious one, guys. You need to make decisions properly. But I think there are many people that would’ve loved to do what you did but didn’t have the courage.

So, what’s your advice to the mom that’s, holy cow, this is my kid and this kid’s nine. What would your advice to them be if they’re in the midst of that?
Now Thriving: A Strong Immune System
[00:22:14] Sara Banta: I’m not a doctor and I’m not telling you not to go seek the professional advice from your medical doctor. I am just speaking as a mom. So, I just knew in my gut the damage that some of those treatments can do.
Unfortunately, my son had one of his best friends, last year at the age of 20, be diagnosed with lymphoma. He did choose to go through radiation and chemo. Watching him go through that process, I literally have the chills right now, thinking back to the last six months of what he went through. They take you to your deathbed – the line of death – and then try to bring you back. Because what they have to do to kill off that “c” word is to literally take you to that line. Then the job is for you to build your body back up.
Now he’s cancer free and he’s doing all of my supplements. And that’s what they chose to do, was to do what their doctor said and then use my supplements to bring him back. That is a place where a lot of people will feel comfortable.

I just know that the reality is diseased and damaged cells are the weak cells in your body. The “c” cells are the weak cells in your body. The goal is for your strong immune system to be able to take care of all that stuff and to sweep it away. So, if you take care of your immune system, these things won’t be an issue.
Evan, you and I both have cancer cells in our body. Everybody does, and that’s normal. It’s when those cells take over the good cells because the immune system is bad.
Now Thriving: Working the Way It’s Meant To
So, in my teaching, I always talk about the gut because, obviously, my gut was where I started, right? And that’s why my issues all started in the gut – IBS, SIBO, and Crohn’s, all of it. I didn’t have GERD though. But still, with that, you can eat something wrong.
I use this example of the gut pathogens and when you eat the wrong foods. Chicken, for instance, the white meat that’s so healthy, chicken has amyloid proteins. Amyloids can trip up the gut pathogens in your gut so that the bad bacteria can overtake the good bacteria. Because we’ve got this microbiome that has the good bacteria, the bad bacteria, the E. coli, salmonella, H. pylori, they’re all in the sandbox playing nice. You throw in the chicken that doesn’t have E. coli in it, but it has amyloid proteins that trip up these gut pathogens. So, the E. coli that’s just sitting in there nicely overtakes the good bacteria.
But if we had enough good bacteria to take care of the bad bacteria, things stay nice in the gut. Same with something more serious like cancer. If your immune system’s strong enough, it should take care of it fine.

So, my goal is to teach people how to boost their immune system through the Acceleradine Iodine, through the Accelerated Silver, the leaky gut bundle, and the gut supplements to keep your gut strong because your gut holds your immune system or 80% of your immune system. When everything is working the way it’s meant to, then the immune system is going to take care of itself.
Now Thriving: Alternative Thinking
So, what advice would I give a mom who gets a diagnosis? I would say, give me a month, doctor. Let me try something natural and see if I see progress. Because most times there is a little time there where you can make that decision in a month, and I’ve had a lot of people do that.
I’ve had many women in their fifties and sixties who may have a breast cancer or they’re ready to go in for surgery or they have something that’s going on and they want to use my supplements to prepare for their surgery. Then after a month or two, they say, Sara, I’m not getting the surgery.

Those are the stories that I will tell you to give you motivation to maybe delay and maybe rethink, maybe get a second opinion. Like I said, I’m not a medical doctor and I am not giving you advice. But these are just ways of thinking in an alternative way and see how much you can do through diet and supplements, exercise, and sleep.
And I’ll give you a short story, Evan. My mom’s 80 years old now. She, like I mentioned, has never had a weight issue. Today, she still loves eating her toast in the morning and she will have her cookie at lunch. She will eat whatever. And she really is proud of me for my business, but she doesn’t listen to me.
So, she at 80 years old, fell off a horse and fractured her pelvis. Now she’s immobile. She’s not paralyzed, but she’s immobile sitting in a chair in her living room. And I said, mom, are you ready to listen to me? And she said, yep, I am. I said, okay, because we’re going to heal you really quickly.
Now Thriving: The Right Direction, Proactively
Number one, I got her a Bemer, which is a PEMF device that helps stimulate circulation and speeds up healing. I said you have to take your Acceleradine Iodine three times a day.
Iodine helps with apoptosis, which is the turning over of damaged and diseased cells and renewing new cells; also helps with your thyroid, which is the master endocrine gland. It helps with brain fog, depression, anxiety, IQ. But it increases metabolism, fat oxidation, increases ATP by at least 18 times in the body. And that ATP is your mitochondrial health and your mitochondrial energy. So, she has to take the silver, which helps the circulation and everything else.
She has to cut down on the carbs and the sugar. I started getting her wild animal protein delivery so that she had good protein to sustain herself. I put her on my Accelerated Keto supplement, which helps increase ATP, helps with sugar cravings, helps with intermittent fasting, helps with repair.
Because when you’re intermittent fasting and your body’s not digesting, it goes, okay, let’s go to repair. Let’s go do that work. Well, we need to repair that pelvic bone and we need to help all the injuries in our body. Put her on the Accelerated Copper, which copper is needed for collagen, bones, hair, and skin of course, but so many other things. It also helps with anemia. And I put her on my collagen supplement.

All of these things, and then took the sugar out, took the processed foods out, and I forced her to do as little exercise as she could sitting in that chair. So, I’m like, you’ve got to move. You’re 80 years old; you can go downhill really quickly if you do not choose to proactively go up in the right direction.
Now Thriving: House Bound & Happy
After two weeks, she goes, Sara it’s really strange. The day after my accident, my brain fog’s gone away. I go, oh, that’s amazing. You’re on supplements that help with brain fog, increase ATP, increase all the brain activity, and you’ve taken out the processed foods, the sugars, and the seed oils that are inflaming your brain. Amazing!

She’s never had to really take supplements or think about diet ever before in her life. And she is seeing this aha moment at the age of 80 because of an unfortunate fall that you never want someone over 65 to do. She had to take things seriously now, and she’s in great spirits. She’s been house bound for over two weeks and you’d think she’d be depressed by now but she is as happy as can be.
[00:30:49] Detective Ev: Man, you’re just healing the whole dang family. I hope our FDN practitioners can either aspire to be this or get someone like Sara in your family. This is what we all need.
I’d love to talk about the entire supplement line next and the other things that you’re doing. But I also wanted to say that was great advice with the moms that might have a serious diagnosis with their kids or even with themselves.
One thing we always need to remember as practitioners, I’m always talking to our practitioners. A lot of them listen to this show. I think we need to be respectful of people too. Like when my aunt took the route of just surgeries and chemo and literally, words, refused to change her diet. That’s what she said – I’m not changing my diet no matter what. And she took that to the grave at 40 something years old with two kids.
Now Thriving: Advise, Then Backoff
As much as I disagree with that, we still have to respect situations that people are in. There is a lot of complexity to this, especially when you start getting those severe diagnoses that are scary as all heck. That does something to you, man. And it does something to the people around you.
So, we don’t have to like everything, we don’t have to say we would do it the same way, but we at least have to respect people. Cause obviously they never asked for stuff like this. We can put our advice in, and we can help out to the degree that someone wants but that’s about it. I found that to work.
When a family member or someone I love gets something like this, I put my 2 cents in the beginning. I say, hey, I will never bug you with this again; I don’t want to be annoying. You obviously know this is a part of my life and at the very least, if I can’t help you, I have the resources to be able to help you. If you’d like to do this, awesome. If not, I know you’re dealing with a lot right now; no worries at all.

That’s the way to do it because you also don’t want to live with regret. If something does happen to this person then you feel like, why didn’t I say something? So, you say something in the beginning, you don’t bother them after that, and you let people make a decision. It is really amazing how many people will come to you eventually.
Now Thriving: Ayurvedic Science & the Best Quality
All of us, most of the time, we need our own little punch in the face, right? And for your mom it’s worked out so far. But then she falls off; that’s the punch. Then, hey, maybe I will try out some of that stuff that you’re doing. And lo and behold, it works.
So, speaking of the stuff that you’re doing, you’ve mentioned a few different things now. The word accelerated has come up a few times. We talked about Accelerated Silver, Accelerated Iron, Accelerated Keto, and the Leaky Gut Bundle. I think I got all of them. And so, I’d love to know what this means?
[00:33:00] Sara Banta: It wasn’t the iron; it was Accelerated Copper that helps with iron in the body. And then Acceleradine Iodine. But yes.
[00:33:07] Detective Ev: Perfect. So, what does this mean? Because obviously if someone hears this and hears the word copper, we know we can get that from other things, but there’s this “accelerated” word here. And obviously, your stuff seems to be working pretty dang well. So, I’m curious what makes yours unique?
[00:33:21] Sara Banta: What we do, as I mentioned before, is we try to take in some of the dry products like the Accelerated Keto or the Cogniblast, which is a brain enhancement supplement for depression, anxiety, ADHD. It’s getting people off their medications; it’s a game changer. And with Accelerated Thyroid, so those three supplements.

And I have affiliate programs and wholesale programs for any practitioners out there if this hits home with you. Those three supplements, we take plants and herbs from the Ayurvedic science, and the very best quality. Which a lot of supplements are full of mold and bacteria. You really have to be careful.
Now Thriving: Encoded Bio Frequencies
Then we enhance it. We add in the cutting-edge ingredients. And then we enhance all of the supplements with Scalar field technology. So, what does that mean? It means it’s increasing the efficacy, increasing the absorption. But every supplement is encoded with bio frequencies for that supplement.
So, for instance, the Accelerated Keto, which is meant to put you into fat burning, help with weight loss, but it also is helping, because of the frequencies, to cleanse the liver, to boost the metabolism up, and to take shock out of the systems, out of the brain and the body. All of the supplements take shock out of the brain and the body.

There is a connection between your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health, right? We are using the Scalar frequencies to take that shock out of the body so that you can move forward emotionally, mentally, physically, all in one.
The Accelerated Silver is enhanced with frequencies to boost the thymus to help devitalize, because I can’t say the word, kill, all foreign pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus. The Accelerated Copper is to help strengthen all of the tissues in the bones and the collagen in the body.
Accelerated Thyroid is really important. The thyroid is your master endocrine gland, and if your thyroid’s out, then everything’s gonna go kaput. But the Accelerated Thyroid is enhanced with frequencies to detox the thyroid of the heavy metals and radiation that are slowing it down and to heal the thyroid. A lot of people that are on thyroid medication are actually weaning themselves off of it once they add in the Acceleradine Iodine and the Accelerated Thyroid together. Acceleradine is enhanced with Scalar frequencies to detox all of the cells of heavy metals and radiation.
Now Thriving: Absorptive, Detoxifying, & Calming Supplements
And iodine, there’s many myths out there about iodine and taking iodine. This iodine is very different than any other iodine. It’s monoatomic, so it has 100% bioavailability. Most iodines only have about a 10% – 20% absorption rate, and they’re coming from sources that are full of radiation.
Most iodine is coming from the Asias, where Fukushima and Chernobyl have completely contaminated this iodine. Ours comes from South America and it is a hundred percent radiation free, toxin-free, and a hundred percent absorbed.

The other misnomer about iodine is that not just your thyroid needs iodine, but all 100 trillion cells in the body need it. It’s feeding those cells, detoxing them all, and waking up the brain. It’s decalcifying the brain. Most people have too much fluoride in the brain. That’s why my mom said, where’s my brain fog? I feel so great now. Because it was actually opening up her brain and detoxing it.
We also have Accelerated Gold. Gold has been known for thousands of years to help with increasing IQ and depression and anxiety. We’re enhancing our gold with frequencies to help calm the mind, relax, and help with sleep. And then there’s a supplement called NucNoMore, which is Scalar enhanced. It literally tastes like water. But it helps zero out your body of all non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
Evan, as much as you and I are into health, we’re sitting on our computers right now, and I’m sure you’ve got your cell phone to your left just like I do. So, we are being bombarded by all this radiation coming in the smart meters on our house, the 5G towers that are being put up. All of this is just backing up our systems, especially our liver, and slowing down our thyroid.
Now Thriving: Making Better Decisions
The thyroid is the master endocrine gland. If your thyroid’s out, your hormones are gonna be out, your adrenals are going to be out. You’re gonna have brain fog. It affects your pituitary and your pineal. So, you want to make sure your thyroid health is clean. And you need to get rid of the radiation and the heavy metals. The supplements are there to help support and make you feel good, day one, so that you can then go out and make those smart choices with your diet.
Through my coaching, which is free to anybody, I have a lot of practitioners that join my coaching and teach it. They have it as part of their coaching along with my supplements. But then I coach you on what foods to eat and focus on. Because there’s a lot of wrong, healthy foods out there that are making you sick and you think you’re doing the right thing.
Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, carnivore, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. I go through all of that in my coaching. The nice thing is the supplements give you this foundation so that you can feel good, like you can do this.

Back to your original question of how I made that jump from Western to trusting this guy behind a computer with a scan. Essentially, he said, Sara, we’ve gotta fix you physically so that you, mentally, can move forward. As soon as he started putting me on supplements that made me feel better, I could make better decisions on my food, on my lifestyle, my exercise, and everything else I was doing.
Now Thriving: Something For All Levels
So, my philosophy stems from that. You’ve got to accelerate your body, mind, and spirit. I say it in that order, your body first, then your mind, and then your spirit. You’ve gotta have that strong foundation of your body first. And with the supplements, you feel that foundation of, now I can move forward. Then you have that aha moment in your mind.
And then I have a lot of people that become a lot more spiritual or become more one with their spiritual self, whether it’s God, the universe, whatever that means to them. They become much more in tune with their spirituality as they go along on their healing journey.
Those are the supplements. There are a few others like my Accelerated Detox Powder, which is the gut superhero, and it heals the gut. It’s all organic, helps with inflammation in the gut, works with any gut regimen. I carry a lot of SporeBiotics and supplements to heal the gut.
But the Detox Powder helps soak up all the toxins that you’re kicking out through any of the detox cleanses or just from the toxins of the day. It soaks those up gently, carries them out of your body without burdening your liver and your kidneys. Because the goal is to minimize the burden on your liver. And it works with all of these other supplements that are helping flush out and detoxing the body on a daily gentle basis.

I have a lot of cleanses as well that can be for the person that is like ready to go gung-ho and all in, or the person that’s ready to just put their little pinky toe in and go slow.
Now Thriving: Body, Mind, & Spirit
I’ve got programs and protocols for everyone. And I meet people where they are just like you were saying. Everyone’s going to choose their path, and what their tolerance is, and who they’re gonna trust. I am here to meet you where your tolerance is and where you want to start.
[00:42:17] Detective Ev: I love it.
And I know it’s a podcast in and of itself, but this isn’t something that, I don’t know if I’ve ever even said this directly on this show; I’ve said it somewhere else. But I love what you said about the body, mind, and spirit because I was an atheist my entire life.
Literally there’s a journal entry. It’s a joke in my family. But it’s really not a joke; it’s a thing of my grandma. She wrote it down when I came over to be watched that day with my sister. And she literally put in the journal entry that I was already arguing her about God not existing at five.
I’m just like, this is stupid Grandma. I think she was saying that when thunder was happening, He’s bowling or whatever. I’m like, God doesn’t exist as like a five-year-old kid. I did that though until 20.

But what happened is the exact order that you just described is genuinely the exact order it happened for me. I was sick; I felt like crap. So, I started with the body stuff; I started with the labs, diet, all these things. You’re right, you do start getting your mind back. You start getting your actual self back too. Because when I was in my sickest, it’s not an excuse for the way I acted, but I will say it’s a heck of a lot easier to act a positive way now.
Now Thriving: Start with Health
I was angry, I was mean, I was just pissed off all the time and saying nasty things to people, bringing other people down with me, right? Again, there’s never an excuse for doing that stuff but it’s a lot easier to not do that when you feel good. So, then your mind starts coming back. And you’re right, you almost get looked at by some people as a disciplined person.
I don’t consider myself a disciplined person. Really, I find what I’m doing actually to be fairly easy. The reason I’m able to do it is, one, it’s fulfilling because I know it’s gonna lead me to feeling good. But two, discipline implies that you’re fighting an alternative desire, almost. And if you just don’t have that or your brain’s working properly and you can clearly see, alright, this is obviously the better decision, to me that’s not discipline. That’s just, it was easy to do it.
And then I started having, it’s not important what it is, but feelings that it became obvious to me that there was something more than just my physical body. Which is hilarious because I was the atheist my whole life, arguing other people. And I have a certain level of sympathy for people who are atheist because to be fair, I couldn’t argue this to someone else.

Like, how am I supposed to argue feelings? That’s not what you do on a debate stage. You argue facts and logic. So, when someone says that they don’t believe, I got nothing for him other than a recommendation to get as healthy as possible. Because I’m like, I hope you feel this, because it becomes so obvious, and it’s such an amazing thing because no one wants to be an atheist.
Now Thriving: A Unique Proprietary Process
That’s what they’ll never tell you. You don’t wake up one day and just hope that, oh yeah, I don’t think there’s really any huge point to this. That’s a little more nihilism, but they walk the same line.
You don’t want to feel that way; you want to believe in something more, but you haven’t felt it, it doesn’t logically make sense, and so you ignore it. Man, I wish I could give those feelings to everyone. But I love that you said that. I have never once heard someone else describe it in that exact way and it’s precisely what I experienced.
So, to be clear about your supplement line too, only because we have a lot of supplement providers on. The biggest differences that I heard with yours are, one, I loved your sourcing. I love that you brought up even where you’re getting the iodine from. That’s fantastic.
And then it sounds like the common theme here is what you’re doing with these frequencies, which would be incredibly unique. That’s not something, I don’t think, I’ve ever heard on this show. Is that the main thing that makes yours different versus a lot of other stuff, or am I missing anything?

[00:45:28] Sara Banta: Yes. That’s the biggest part. No one on earth is taking three to four different technologies and applying them to the process that is our proprietary process. And I wish I could tell you more details about it, but it’s mind blowing.
It is taking the cutting-edge Scalar frequency healing. And frequency healing is going to become more normal and more known out there and what you can do with it.
Now Thriving: Cumulative Effects
Anyone interested? Go on my website. Look at the biocharger, look at the AMP coil, look at the Genius Insight app. Those are all based on Scalar frequency healing; those are big machines.
We use water implosion technology, and then embed with the frequencies. Then I have a master herbalist who is in touch with the formulas from ancient times where they’ve been adulterated in a lot of other companies, claiming to have the same formula out there with the plant medicine part.

Then you have the most cutting-edge natural supplements or ingredients that actually have cumulative effects to heal the body. Like in the Cogniblast, it’s meant to heal the brain to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, not just take care of your ADHD today. So, incorporating all three of those in one.
And just to let you know, I don’t need to sell supplements. If I don’t have the most cutting-edge, best formula out there, I’m not going to do it. I carry other brands. Magnesium, for instance, Magnesium Breakthrough is a fantastic formula. I don’t need to improve on it, so I will carry that on my store. With the Accelerated Health brand supplements, they are the best of the best because they were needed.
And I wanted to just touch on what you said because it was so important, and it hit home with me as far as you becoming a believer after being an atheist. I’ve instilled in my kids. Because my one child who’s now at USC rowing, suffered severely from depression in high school. It was during Covid. That’s my real passion is for these children today because I believe nine out of 10 of them are suffering from anxiety or depression.
Now Thriving: Life’s A Journey
But I remember at her lowest point, I sat there with her, and I prayed. I said, dear sweetheart, I don’t know what God is doing with this. But this challenge is to strengthen this muscle in you, to make you survive and be ready for something that you need to be ready for later on in life.
And I can look back at that moment, two years ago, I almost want to start crying. Whereas today she’s a freshman, two weeks into her college experience, and she is thriving. She’s taking selfies of herself, smiling, and just on a high.
There are so many stories in my life where I go, I don’t know what you’re doing, God, but I can’t wait to see what comes out of this. With that attitude, you just want to move forward in body, mind, and spirit. It’s just an amazing way to live where you’ve got this energy that comes from somewhere else. I just had to touch on that.

Because there’s so many of you parents out there, could be practitioners, but also have the kids at home or just even in your marriage or your personal life, whatever it is. Look deep at what’s supposed to come out of this. And maybe you don’t know yet, but trust whatever it is because this is a journey. Life is a journey. It’s not about getting from point A to point B, enjoy the ride. You can have goals, yes. But it’s not just about where you’re going to get to; it’s about the ride. So, I just wanted to touch on that as well.
[00:49:44] Detective Ev: I love that.
Now Thriving: It’s For a Reason
So, I got introduced to the personal development side of things, self-help, before any spiritual side. And I remember someone presented the idea of everything happening for a reason. I’m like, I don’t believe that; it’s BS. That was just me at the time. And he said, okay, cool. What if you just acted like that’s true? How would that change your perspectives on things?

So, if nothing else, give yourself the benefit of acting like it’s true. See what happens. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. But I think some people out there might be humbled like me and surprised at what happens when we just treat everything like it happens for a reason and how it changes your mindset. Then you realize, oh, maybe that really did happen in that way. So, who knows?
Sara, as we wrap up here, I just know that there’s a lot of other stuff that you offer and do. You’re sharing your information with a ton of people, so where can people find you? Is there anything else that you offer that you want them to know about today? All that good stuff.
And I know our practitioners, they’ll eat this up, so they’ll probably love signing up for some type of thing where they can offer this to their clients. That’s their hobby, just signing up for stuff to offer to their clients.
Yeah, everywhere that they can find you and what they need to know.
Where to Find Sara Banta
[00:50:49] Sara Banta: The easiest place is and you’ll find my free group coaching on Telegram there. There’s links for that. Join me. I post every day, almost to a detriment to my family time. I answer questions, troubleshoot with you.

A lot of practitioners and individuals invite clients there as well. But I post on a daily basis articles and videos and little facts and protocols. I have my podcast, Accelerated Health TV and Radio Show. It’s on over 100 channels. And Evan, you’ll be on soon. It’s everywhere you can look for podcasts.
My store is on as well. Whole bunch of articles and videos as well there, so much information. But if you ever have a question, just email me directly through the website and I’m happy to answer any questions, put together protocol for you. I’m an open book.
[00:51:51] Detective Ev: Obviously, we’ll have the links in the show notes for you guys, so just go check that out.
Sara, we’ll wrap up today with the signature question on the Health Detective Podcast. And you’re an interesting one, so I have no idea which route you’re going to take with this, and that’s why I love the question. It’s simple in a sense, but you can answer it a few different ways.
The question is this, if we gave you a magic wand and you could wave it and get every single person in this world to start doing one thing for their health, or you could get them to stop doing one thing for their health, what is the one thing that Sara would get them to do?
[00:52:24] Sara Banta: Eat real food and get off the processed foods.
[00:52:29] Detective Ev: We love it!

It’s always the people that can rattle off the most information that have the most simple, straightforward answers. Which shows me that the people who’ve studied the most, realize that at the end of the day, if you do the basics really well, that’s probably the thing that’s gonna help you most.
Thank you so much for coming on today. Incredible story. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone on yet, no, I know I haven’t had someone on yet that had so many family members that they’ve also been able to impact and help. That’s a beautiful thing. So, thank you.
Sara Banta: Thank you, Evan.
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