Exclusive 5 Labs Offer - SAVE $1000 until Wednesday 31st July at 11:59pm PT

The FDN Program

Master Functional Labs, Get Better Client Results & Grow a Freedom-Filled Practice

Transform your health coaching career & join an elite group of 4,000+ advanced health coaches & practitioners who are disrupting the industry with unparalleled client results.

What Would it Feel Like to Be The Health Practitioner Who…

Sounds great, right?

You just can’t figure out how to get there.


You’ve Been Sold This Dream Before

You’ve completed a health coaching program (or two), jumped through the hoops of certification, and invested thousands in your education. You’ve poured endless amounts of energy into this career path. Maybe you’ve even seen momentum in your business, but it comes in waves and isn’t repeatable.

Now, you feel stuck.

Health Practitioner Success is Within Reach

We know how FRUSTRATING it is to want to help people while feeling like you’re missing something. But, we can assure you —> you didn’t choose the wrong career when you set out to get your health coach certification. And the last thing we want is for you to give up on your dreams now.

And the good news is that it’s not about trying harder.

It’s about getting THE RIGHT TOOLS.

Good News

We have the solution to take you to the next level.


The FDN Program

A world-class functional health certification designed to help you master functional labs, create custom protocols & grow a freedom-filled health coaching practice.

Our program is uniquely positioned to fill in the gaps in your health coaching education by giving you essential tools that aren’t offered in today’s leading certification programs.

Access to functional lab testing as an FDN graduate.

Confidence to interpret results.

Data-driven protocols that work.


The program kicks off with an introduction to the FDN philosophy, followed by comprehensive training on (6) functional health screening tests. Once you’ve learned how to analyze test results, we teach you how to create custom protocols based on those results.

Explore the curriculum!

Learn the FDN Philosophy

Module 1 | How to Be an FDN Health Detective

Learn the FDN ropes! We’ll teach you the overall FDN philosophy on health & wellness, and how it differs from conventional medicine. We’ll also introduce the concept of Metabolic Chaos™, and how to use functional lab tests to identify healing opportunities with the body. 

Decode Stress & Hormones

Module 2 | The FDN Stress & Hormone Profile (SHP)

Learn the fundamentals of stress & hormones. In this module, we’ll look at the Hypothalamus / Pituitary / Adrenal Axis & the significance of cortisol dysregulation. We’ll also introduce the “FDN Stress & Hormone Profile.” 

Assess Sex Hormones

Module 3 | H-P-A & Sex Hormone Assessment

Learn how to assess sex hormones. In this module you’ll look at both male & female hormone cycles, common symptoms relating to deficiencies, and hormone excesses. We’ll also review how to test premenopausal females. 

Leverage Metabolic Health

Module 4 | FDN MWP – Metabolic Wellness Profile: Digestion, Detoxification, Oxidative Stress

Learn how to assess metabolic health. In this module, you’ll learn the absolute importance of the liver, digestion, and natural detoxification. We’ll also introduce the “FLUIDS iQ Metabolic Wellness Profile” and review each marker. 

Evaluate Digestive Health

Module 5 | Digestive Health

Learn how to evaluate digestive health. In this module, you’ll learn the physiology and significance of the mucosal barrier, and its role in digestive health. The “FLUIDS iQ Mucosal Barrier Assessment” & “Genova Intestinal Permeability” tests will be covered with explanations of markers that provide clues into intestinal permeability. 

Understand Barriers to Digestive Health

Module 6 | Antigens & Pathogens

Learn what happens when the environment inside the G.I. track breaks down, and how to test for the presence of good & bad bacteria, pathogens, immune system functionality & inflammation levels. You’ll walk away with a solid understanding of how to use the GI-MAP stool test, and an understanding that bugs are not usually the underlying problem.

Identify Food Sensitivities

Module 7 | Food Sensitivities

Learn all about food sensitivity testing. In this module, you’ll learn how to use the “Great Plains IgG Fingerstick” & the “Oxford Biomedical Mediator Release” tests to screen your clients for potential food sensitivities. We’ll also cover guidelines for when to reintroduce sensitive foods, and when to retest your clients. 

Learn Metabolic Typing®

Module 8 | Metabolic Typing®

Learn what foods to recommend, and in what quantity! In this module, we explore how Metabolic Typing® helps you determine the proper diet for each client. We talk about the percentage of carbs, protein & fats that are most suitable for each client, and also introduce the D.R.E.S.S. framework, which is our unique health restoration process.

Create Custom Diet & Nutrition Protocols

Module 9 | Diet

Embrace the power of functional nutrition. In this module, you learn how to use functional nutrition to help eliminate Metabolic Chaos™ within the body. We dig into bio-individuality & how to create highly-customized protocols that accelerate the healing process. 

Address Rest, Recovery & Sleep

Module 10 | Rest, Recovery & Sleep

Establish the importance of rest in addressing Metabolic Chaos. In this module, we discuss the various cycles that occur within the body during deep sleep, how to educate your clients on proper sleep hygiene & how to track sleep cycles. 

Create Personalized Movement Programs

Module 11 | Exercise & Movement

Learn to properly adjust intensity & frequency. Everyone needs movement, but not everyone benefits from high-intensity exercise while healing. In this module we’ll talk about how you can customize exercise & movement practices for each of your clients.

Utilize Stress Reduction Strategies

Module 12 | Stress & Stress Reduction

Learn how to support healing with stress reduction. In this module, you’ll learn how to identify hidden stressors for you and your clients. Plus, how to incorporate stress reduction practices into your custom healing protocols.

Create Custom Supplement Plans

Module 13 | Targeted Supplementation

Get strategic with targeted supplementation. Supplementation with professional-grade supplements is a game changer, when done properly. In this module, you’ll learn how to select the most effective supplements to restore optimal function for your clients (surprise, surprise: it’s based on lab results!). 

Learn From Real-World Case Studies

Module 14 | Case Studies & Prep

Solidify your understanding with real-world case studies. In this module, you’ll review some powerful examples & reflect on what you’ve learned so far: there is only one underlying problem…Metabolic Chaos™. 

Streamline Your Online Business

Module 15 | Client Onboarding & Intake

Prepare to serve clients. In this module, we’ll talk about setting up your online business for success & ease. We’ll walk you through the logistics & best practices for client onboarding so you’re ready to see clients.

Nail Your Final Exams

Module 16 | Final Exams

You’ve made it! This final module includes your “practical exercise assignments” to be performed with a program mentor, giving you valuable practice before graduation. You’ll also find instructions on how to submit your written exam & schedule your oral exam.

All of this is at your fingertips.

Seriously, we’re not making this stuff up!
Just ask the health coaches in our community…

I had debilitating health problems

Extensive Health Investigation for My Clients

Practitioner in Training

And there’s plenty more where that came from.

Uplevel Your Skills & Transform Your Business


Become so confident in your skills that you guarantee client results.


Charge premium prices to earn multiple 6 figures.


Create a thriving career around helping others.

What You Get

9 Individual Sessions

Receive nine 1:1 sessions, including (2) to review your individual lab results, (1) to review your personal Metabolic Typing® results, and (6) sessions with a program mentor to practice what you’ve learned in the modules. This is a fantastic way to build confidence before applying your new skills with clients.

5 Functional Labs For YOU

Receive (4) functional lab testing kits & (1) Metabolic Typing® assessment, so you can experience the “WOW” feeling yourself & explain the benefits first-hand! These labs alone have a value of $1,400+ and are included in your tuition.

Unlicensed Access to Labs

Gain exclusive access to the Medical Director Program (MDP) to 60+ functional lab tests even as an unlicensed practitioner, giving you the ability to run a completely independent online practice charging premium prices.

Unparalleled Graduate Support

The opportunity to join our graduate program, AFDNP, for ongoing support, including easy access to “clinical consults” when you get stuck on real-world client cases.

Business Resources & Templates

Unlock access to a growing library of “done-for-you” business resources, forms & templates, including client intake forms, legal templates, “done-for-you” presentations & marketing resources. 

LIVE Weekly Q&A Sessions

Get access to 12 months of weekly support with FDN Founder, Reed Davis, and Lead Mentor, Elizabeth Gaines. These sessions are perfect for getting all your questions addressed. Plus, learn from the questions your peers ask!

LIVE Weekly “Hot Topics” Sessions

Get access to 12 months of “hot topic” sessions, led by Lead Mentor, Elizabeth Gaines. This is where we unpack program material, module-by-module. Join LIVE, or binge the library of replays on any particular area where you find yourself needing additional support.

Community of Successful Entrepreneurs

Join a premier community of like-minded 6 & 7-figure entrepreneurs who are disrupting the health coaching industry & freely sharing their expertise & connections. Consider this your new “ride-or-die” health coaching family.

Here’s How We Compare

Other Certifications:

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN):

Teaches you functional lab analysis, so you can make data-driven decisions that actually get results, even for complex cases.

Gives you a timeless framework that combines data-driven decisions with a thorough client intake to provide whole-person support.

Paves the way to freedom-filled business by focusing on client success. results → referrals → success

Provides you with essential business training, so you understand how to create high-value packages with your new advanced health skills.

Offers a next-level Business School, designed specifically to help you go from “struggling health coach” → to 6-figure CEO.

Gives you access to 60+ functional lab tests through the Medical Director Program (MDP), allowing you to operate a highly-profitable independent health coaching practice.

Includes (9) individual sessions throughout the program to help you optimize your own health, practice what you’ve learned & prepare for your final exams.

Offers a top-tier graduate program with a private group of fellow health entrepreneurs.

Access to affordable “clinical consults” to help you address complex client cases as you grow your business.

Teaches you how to optimize your own health with the power of functional labs (at no extra cost), leaving you with massive amounts of first-hand experience.

Teach you generalized holistic health information, which leaves you guessing what’s actually wrong with your clients, and how to help them get better.

Claim to teach you “business & marketing”, but fall way short when it comes to the practical strategies necessary to grow your online business.

Provide zero access to functional labs as an unlicensed professional, leaving you without the ability to run a profitable independent wellness practice.

Provide very little (if any) 1:1 mentorship throughout the certification process, and fall way short on practical support for graduates.

Do not include any labs to help you optimize your own health, leaving you with far less first-hand experience, and more imposter syndrome.

We know our program is no small investment. The truth is, you’re investing in a brand new career and life here! One that provides you with more time, money, impact & ultimately – freedom. Plus, you’re completely transforming your own health along the way. 


This is likely the lowest cost the program will ever be, as the price increases annually to keep up with inflation & increased value. We do offer flexible payment plans that allow you to join the program for as little as $424/month.

Great question! When you graduate, you earn the title of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDNP). You also have the option to join the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) when you graduate, which allows you to use “Holistic Health Practitioner” as your title!

But at the end of the day, when you launch your health coaching practice, you have the option to choose whatever title you want. For example, some graduates prefer to use “Functional Health Coach” or  “Health Consultant”.

The key difference is that you are trained to leverage functional lab testing to identify healing opportunities. It’s the difference between guessing what’s wrong, and actually figuring out what’s wrong. From there, you create highly-personalized diet, lifestyle & supplement plans that collapse time & help your clients get better faster. 

We highly recommend taking advantage of our 50% bundle discount, and purchasing FDN Business School upfront. This is a savings of $1,500! If you’re not sure, just book a free call, and we’ll help you make a decision that is right for you. 

No worries! Most of our students never worked with functional labs before joining FDN. There are no prerequisites for the program, and we’ve designed the course assuming you are brand new to functional lab testing. We break it down in a way that is comprehensive and digestible –- plus, you’ll receive support every step of the way!


Wondering about something else we didn’t cover here? Write it down and bring it to your Discovery Call with an FDN Program Advisor! We’re here to help you through this process.

Have a Question?

Wondering about something else we didn’t cover here? Write it down and bring it to your Discovery Call with an FDN Program Advisor! We’re here to help you through this process.

The FDN Program

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When the clock hits zero this offer will expire! ​


Master the proven system to get better client results & become an advanced 6-figure health coach, with BIG impact.




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Dive deeper with business excellence & receive a 6-figure roadmap to accelerate your online business growth.



Business school begins after the completion of Module 14

You get:


Purchase FDN Program + Business School in-full today & SAVE $1500



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Exclusive “Pay-in-Full” Bonuses

When you choose to pay-in-full, you’ll receive $797 of FDN credits for future offerings to uplevel your knowledge & skills.

Bonus #1 | Educational Credit ($500 Value)

Get $500 in educational credits to apply when you invest in any advanced courses to hone your knowledge and improve skills as a practitioner. We offer a suite of courses on specialized topics, including herbalism, mitochondria, and thyroid function.

Bonus #2 | “Plug & Play” Lecture Credit ($297 Value)

Our lecture packages provide “plug & play” resources to help you deliver top-tier educational presentations & generate new clients. This means you can take our presentations and rebrand them for your own business! Choose from a wide selection of topics such as Stress & Hormones or ADHD, with something perfect for every need.