8 Signs that Stress is Causing a Hormonal Imbalance

How much do you know about the connection between stress and hormonal imbalance? Stress is on the rise throughout the modern world. We have an increasing number of things that demand our time and attention every day. Many of us aren’t sleeping as well as we should and we lead fairly sedentary lifestyles. And many […]
Practitioner Spotlight – Danyelle Demchock BA, FDN-P, CTMA®, NASM®

Danyelle Demchock was led to FDN through her desire to learn about functional medicine, underlying causes that create diseases if the body is kept in that state, subclinical assessment of the body, and a desire to help her clients to learn more about their bodies and start being the CEO’s of their health and well-being. […]
Why Do I Still Feel Bad When the Blood Tests Are Normal?

Have you ever had blood work done by your doctor? Many people do every day. And yet the blood analysis that the doctor does may not be telling you the whole story about what is going on with your health. That’s why it’s important to have a functional blood chemistry analysis done by a practitioner […]
Unexpected Places BPA May Be Hiding

Bisphenol A, better known as BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used for more than fifty years. It is primarily used in the making of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. It is used in such a large number of products that most human beings are exposed to it on a regular basis. The […]
SIBO: When bacteria ends up in the wrong place

Do you have a client with chronic gas, bloating or abdominal cramps? These symptoms, and more, can be a sign of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. SIBO may be the cause! As a health coach, you’re probably aware the gut should be populated with a healthy ratio of friendly bacteria. And because of the […]
The #1 Missing Link in your Health Coaching Practice: Mastering Metabolic Chaos®

“We need 50,000 – 75,000 new health coaches in the next few years.”–Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD Dr. Jaffe, a physician who spent the early years of his practice debunking holistic healthcare, is now one of its leading advocates and practitioners. He issued the clarion call for more health coaches in part because most conventional medical […]