Practitioner Spotlight- Rebecca Pemberton FDN-P, CMTA

In 1998, Rebecca Pemberton had a high-stress job placing nurses at a major hospital in Atlanta. Along with that came all the unhealthy habits that came along with it – eating on the run, being on call all hours of the day & night. During a routine dental appointment, when the hygiene tools were placed […]
Oxalates: When Healthy Foods Can Be Dangerous to the Body

Are Oxalates Preventing You From Seeing Results? Are you working with a client or patient and they are not seeing the improvements that they should be? Maybe oxalates are preventing your client from seeing success. You have a client or patient that you’ve been working with…let’s call him Jamie. Even though Jamie is doing everything […]
18 Signs Your Lymphatic System is Clogged and How to Get It Moving Again!

If you have been living with nagging health issues and are looking to restore your health and feel better, one function of the body that is vital to address is detoxification. One system of the body that is of particular importance for detoxification is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, which runs parallel to the […]
The Limitations of Lab Testing

Today, approximately 70 percent of medical decisions are based on laboratory test results. This means the majority of our medical choices, from starting a medication or supplement, changing a lifestyle habit, or undergoing a surgical procedure, are dependent upon the results from lab testing. Today, just about anyone can go online and order their own […]
Moving to a Healthier Way of Eating

When you want to get healthy and feel better, one of the biggest changes you will have to make is how you are eating. The standard American diet that so many people eat daily, is full of chemical additives, synthetic colors, refined sugar, unhealthy oils and artificial flavorings. Much of this type of food has […]
11 Ways FDN is Different than Any Other Health Coaching Course

FDN is different than other health coaching programs that are available on the market. The FDN Certification course provides the education and training that you will need to become a successful functional health coach. This training will give you what you need to know to help you to establish a healthy practice….from the intake of new […]