Practitioner Spotlight: Kathleen DiChiara, FDN-P, INHC, BNI-P

Author, Health Advocate & AFDNP Member Kathleen DiChiara was enjoying a successful career in investor relations with a Fortune 500 company when her journey began. It was at that time she developed a sudden-onset neuropathy. That eventually led into having back surgery which left her permanently disabled for life. From there, she found herself in […]
Four Reasons to Skip Bottled Water
Bottled water is big business. In the US alone, more than 70 million bottles of water are sold each year. The average American consumes 167 bottles of water yearly and global sales revenue from water is more than 60 billion dollars. And consumption is steadily increasing. But there is a dark side to consuming bottled […]
Why the World Needs Functional Health Coaches

The world of health coaching is relatively new. The concept of having health coaches offer guidance and support to clients who are looking to move away from unhealthy habits and to a healthier way of living, has only been around since the mid 1990’s. But the trend has grown quickly and demand for health coaches […]
How Caffeine May Be Harming Your Health

We are living in a time when it seems that there is a coffee shop on every corner, and caffeine filled soft drinks and energy drinks are easily accessible to people of all ages. Social media is full of plenty of jokes about people needing their daily coffee fix to survive. But those jokes aren’t […]
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Can FDN Help Provide Answers?

A growing number of people are being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Because of this, it’s important to take a look and see how FDN may provide answers for those who are suffering. Fibromyalgia is an extremely limiting condition. Those diagnosed can experience intense, chronic musculoskeletal pain and severe fatigue, often accompanied by […]
Mold Illness with Dr. Sandeep Gupta

This interview was part of a special webinar that was recently done for members of the Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners (AFDNP). But the topic of mold illness is an important one and toxic mold is affecting the health of so many people that Reed Davis felt that it was vital to share this […]