Practitioner Spotlight – Lynn Altieri-Need

This month’s practitioner spotlight is with Lynn Altieri-Need, FDN-P. Lynn’s personal journey is one born from a mother’s unrelenting will to help her child. Like many of us, Lynn’s experienced her own health struggles early suffering with endometriosis, from age twelve until twenty-six, and found that the only solutions offered by conventional doctors were pain […]
The Truth About the Alkaline Diet

The alkaline diet has been getting a lot of press over the last several years. Celebrities like Kelly Ripa, Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow have all been loyal proponents of the diet at one time or another. It’s not uncommon to find books, magazine articles and countless websites touting it’s miraculous effects. There are even […]
How Environmental Toxins Damage Your Health

Last year, Reed had an opportunity to sit down with Lara Adler to talk about environmental toxins and how they impact the endocrine system and ultimately damage health. Lara Adler is an environmental toxins expert and educator. She is also a certified holistic health coach. She trains and educated practitioners within the health and wellness […]
Understanding Your Gut Microbiome

How much do you know about your own gut microbiome and how keeping it healthy is vital to your overall health? Most people consider themselves mere human beings, composed of approximately ten trillion cells that make up our tissues, organs, and bodies. However, each one of us is so much more than that. Your body […]
Practitioner Spotlight- Angie White FDN-P, AFDNP Member

Today’s practitioner spotlight features Angie White, an FDN practitioner and a member of AFDNP. Angie’s personal journey with health started early in life, as a teenager. Angie struggled with weight issues, which eventually led into emotional and disordered eating, sugar addiction and ultimately took a toll on her health. From her early teens she struggled […]
Depression: the Connection Between Food and Mood

In case you needed another reason to stick to your New Year’s Resolution of eating healthy, how does fending off depression sound? Significant evidence suggests that there is a link between your food and your mood. According to a recent study published in the journal, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, what you are eating (and not eating) […]