Sleep Required to Detoxify the Brain

Most people would agree that getting adequate sleep each night is a vital part of overall health. And while we are still learning more about the ways that the body benefits from optimal sleep, recent research is beginning to show the need for proper sleep in order to detoxify the brain. Throughout our day the […]
The Consequences of Leaky Gut

Today’s post is a guest post from Linda Wilbert-Stewart, HHP, HC and FDN-P. Today she is looking at the consequences of leaky gut on your health. Lеаkу gut syndrome, also called Increased Gut Permeability, is a diѕоrdеr саuѕеd by thе increased lеаkinеѕѕ оf intеѕtinаl mucosal mеmbrаnе, which can have ѕоmе serious consequences if lеft unattended. […]
Practitioner Spotlight- Lisa Pomeroy ND, FDN-P, CGP, CMS, RA, AFDNP Member

Lisa Pomeroy has a story that starts like many of us. As young child, at the age of twelve, she started experiencing digestive issues and ulcer like pain. Little did Lisa know, she had multiple infections including H. pylori, half a dozen parasites and worms in her gut! By age nineteen, Lisa was so […]
Which Nutrition Strategy is Right for You?

Our guest post today on finding the right nutrition strategy for you comes from Brendan Vermeire, FDN-P, functional health coach. Be sure to read more about Brendan below! What you need to know: -Awareness is the first step towards change of any kind. -Anyone can stick to any plan temporarily out of willpower. A temporary […]
All About Digestion: the Connection Between Gut and Health

The digestive system and digestion plays an important part in our overall health. But for many who struggle with digestive issues the symptoms and health issues that they face are far reaching and ultimately impact their daily quality of life. FDN founder Reed Davis and Sean Croxton discussed digestion at length and how an unhealthy […]
Take Control of Your Health in 2017

December is almost half over and a new year is just around the corner. With it come new beginnings, and a fresh clean slate. It is an opportunity to start again The beginning of a new year seems like a great time to take control of your health. Each year, after weeks of celebrating and indulging in food, […]