Practitioner Spotlight – Damian and Heather Dubé
Our practitioner spotlight today features Damian and Heather Dube. While in their early ’30s, Damian’s wife Heather was suffering from a number of symptoms that progressed into Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Hashimoto’s, and Systemic Candida. Over 2 years and 10 doctors later, Heather was in the worst health of her life. She eventually had to quit her […]
Managing Holiday Stress
Another year has quickly flown by and the official start of the holiday season is quickly approaching. And although the season brings parties, presents, shopping, food and family gatherings, for many it also means an increase in stress. During the holiday season, everyone should take time for managing holiday stress. Stress compromises the immune system […]
How Stress May Be Making You Fat
Is stress making you fat? Is it making it difficult for you to lose to excess weight in your body? In this interview by Sean Croxton, Reed Davis talks about hormones and adrenal dysfunction and how it contributes to excess weight. He also addresses other topics, such as parasites, hormone imbalances, adrenal dysfuntion, types of testing […]
How Technology Negatively Affects Your Health
Technology is everywhere! And in the digital age we live in, it is hard to escape the vast reach of the mountain of tech gadgets that people have access to. Cell phones, tablets and laptops can keep us connected with people around the globe. And they provide a level of convenience that we had not […]
Practitioner Spotlight- Rika Keck
Rika Keck, FDN-P, CMTA, CHEK Practitioner When we asked Rika what she enjoys most about practicing FDN, she said… It makes sense. And it’s exciting to get clients excited about a new paradigm of wellness. Indeed! Rika’s credentials span far and wide. Her wellness experience includes FDN, CMTA, Applied Clinical Nutrition, CHEK level 2 and Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, and Green Medicine Herbal […]
The Key to Optimizing Fat Loss
Optimizing fat loss can be challenging…particularly when the scale isn’t moving. Here are a few key tips that can help. Jeannie’s Story Jeannie had been struggling for years with her weight. These last few years, though, she noticed she wasn’t getting back down to a weight that felt good. Every year seemed to add 10 […]