Education Not Medication for Healing ADD and ADHD

The modern medical world has been treating both ADD and ADHD with medicine. But maybe we need to look at a different way healing ADD and ADHD than what we have been doing. The notion that diet is a significant contributor to your overall wellness is pretty widely accepted. In recent times, people have really […]
What Does Good Health Mean to You?

What does good health mean to you? It can mean different things to different people, especially for those that struggle with joint pain, digestive issues, are fatigued or that feel they live a healthy lifestyle, yet still have many more symptoms than they should. Think about this…by the time you have symptoms, many systems in […]
Interview with the Naughty Nutritionist….Kaayla T Daniel, PhD!

Reed recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Kaayla T. Daniel to talk about everything from bacon to libido. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD is known as The Naughty Nutritionist® because she “tells the truth that’s too hot to handle.” Kaayla is coauthor of the bestselling book Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the […]
The Connection Between Liver and Thyroid Disorder

If you read What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Thyroid Disorder, then you know that classic thyroid symptoms such as weight gain, cold hands and feet, low energy and fatigue, dry skin, brain fog, poor memory, depression, hair loss, and digestive issues might not be caused by the thyroid at all. While these symptoms […]
Healthy Summer Party Tips

The summer party season is upon us! Impromptu pool parties with neighbors, and barbeques that are tradition with family and friends are fun, but they can sabotage your health efforts. Here are some healthy summer party tips so that you can enjoy, eat and still feel like a part of the party! You don’t need to […]
Top Signs of a Hormone Imbalance

Typically, when most people think about hormone imbalance, they think primarily that women are affected. But although this may be the stereotype, it is not just women who are struggling. And if you do struggle with hormone imbalance you don’t have to be “stuck” with it, and you don’t have to continue to “live with […]