How Rick Gold Used FDN to Overcome Health Issues

We are excited to be featuring FDN Practitioner and functional health coach Rick Scott! Rick has used what he’s learned through FDN to not only restore his own health, but to also help clients restore theirs as well! Rick had a number of health challenges from a young age. Before starting the FDN Certification course, he […]
Why You Should Create an Elevator Speech

Have you created an elevator speech? You are busy working to build your business and bringing in more clients not only so that you can help more people to recover their health and feel better, but so that you can make a living as well. In your day to day life, you will no doubt […]
How Yoga Benefits the Body

In order to maintain a healthy body one important element that should be included daily is light to moderate exercise. Being active and not sedentary can not only prolong your life, but can reduce the risks of chronic health problems, and help you to have a better quality of life. One form of exercise that helps […]
Sprout It Out!

Do you sprout seeds or beans regularly? FDN Practitioner and functional health coach Jennifer Savage shares the health benefits of sprouting seeds and beans and how you can start sprouting at home. Sprouts are truly beautiful. And delicious! I will gladly fork over bucks to the health food store for a box of them for […]
How FDN Got It’s Start-Interview with Reed Davis

With more than 2500 graduates of the FDN training program, it’s no surprise that more and more people are hearing about FDN, our founder Reed Davis and the amazing functional health coach training course that FDN offers. People are always eager to hear from our founder Reed Davis when he speaks at summits and for […]
Why You Should Soak Nuts and Seeds

Photo credit: Do you soak nuts and seeds before eating them, and why is that important? When a Functional Health Coach works with a client, one of thing things that is always a part of their health protocol is making necessary changes to their diet to allow their body to receive much needed nutrients […]