Talking to Clients about Coffee Enemas

Talking to clients about coffee enemas

As a functional health coach, detoxification is an important part of the protocol that we set up for most of our clients. With chronic exposure to toxins from chemicals in our food, cleaning products, personal care products and environment, as well as the need to detoxify overburdened organs such as the liver and gallbladder, finding […]

Practitioner Success: Sarah Paino Lic Ac, FDN-P

Practitioner Spotlight Sarah Paino Lic Ac FDN P 1

At FDN we always want to fully support and recognize practitioners who have not only successfully completed the course, but who are also finding success using FDN principles with their own clients. Today in the practitioner spotlight is Sarah Paino, who graduated from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition in 2013. Sarah has been practicing different forms of […]

Stress Management Benefits of Coloring for Adults

Stress Management Benefits of Coloring for Adults

April is Stress Awareness Month, and since such a large percentage of the disease and illness people suffer from is directly linked to chronic stress, it is important to find ways to practice stress management every day. There is a stress management trend that is sweeping the US right now that is being called the new […]

Making Stress Management a Priority

Making Stress Management a Priority

As Functional Health Coaches, clients come to us because they want to improve their health. Many have been struggling with nagging health issues for years, and many have been to see multiple doctors and haven’t gotten the answers or the relief that they are looking for. But what is the one causal factor of the health […]

When Clients Struggle to Make Changes

When Clients Struggle to Make Changes

Photo credit: What do you do when clients struggle to make changes? As Functional Health Coaches, we are here to assist our clients, guiding them to make the lifestyle changes necessary to help them have more energy and feel better. And some clients do very well to make the changes that they need to in […]

10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep

10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep

Functional health coaches, do your clients struggle with getting enough sleep? It is vital for them to be getting enough sleep so that they can avoid the health pitfalls of sleep deprivation. Here are some tips that you can share with them that can help them to improve their sleep so that they can improve […]