Getting to the Root of Anxiety

Getting to the Root of Anxiety

Every day functional health coaches deal with clients who struggle with anxiety and who are looking for answers and solutions. Anyone who has struggled with anxiety can tell you that it is a terrifying experience. Imagine experiencing your worst nightmare come true on a regular basis. Those who suffer from anxiety live with fear continually. […]

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

As a functional health coach, one of the things that often factors into the health issues that clients face are nutrient deficiencies. As the consumption of packaged and processed foods has increased, and unprocessed, whole foods decreased, nutrient deficiencies have become more widespread due to the lack of proper nutrients that are typically found in […]

Chasing Symptoms with Supplements

Chasing Symptoms with Supplements FDN

Many people are starting to work with functional health coaches because they want to reclaim their health.  Too often they have been to countless doctors seeking answers as to why they are feeling so poorly, but not getting solutions to the causal factors. Other people may be attempting to heal themselves with a host of […]

Signs Your Cortisol Levels Are Too High

Signs Your Cortisol Levels are Too High

Functional health coaches regularly deal with clients who are chronically stressed.  And because clients are tested, it is clear to see how high levels of stress are negatively impacting the health of those we work with.  And yet, these clients already know that they need to better manage stress, and yet they rarely take the […]

Getting Singles to Eat Healthy

Getting Singles to Eat Healthy

As a functional health coach, you know how important it is to help your clients switch from a diet full of packaged and processed foods to one filled with real, whole foods. But one group that struggles the most with making the switch from convenience foods to whole foods are those who are single or […]

Transitioning from Health Coach to Functional Health Coach

From Health Coach to Functional Health Coach

You made the decision to become a health coach. You took the time to listen to all of the different experts, to learn about different dietary theories and how to build a business helping others to eat better so that they could live better lives. And you are passionate about seeing your clients succeed so that they […]