The Dangers of Drinking Tap Water

The Daners of Drinking Tap Water

The Shameful Facts Within the past century, the extensive use of chemicals in agriculture and big industry has polluted every source of water on the planet. Traces of toxic synthetic chemicals can even be found in polar icecaps and the Arctic Ocean. Despite our intelligence, we’re literally destroying our supply of the two most essential […]

Is Your Gluten Free Diet Harming Your Health?

Is Your Gluten Free Diet Harming Your Health

What is Gluten Intolerance? In general, gluten intolerance is a condition in which the gliadin component of the gluten found in most grains is not digested well and causes any number of a wide variety of symptoms. Gluten intolerance can promote a number of digestive symptoms without causing much harm, but in more serious cases […]

How to Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet

How to Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet

Refined sugar and refined carbohydrates are responsible for much of the poor health and disease that are so prevalent today, but because they’re so addictive and exist in so many processed foods, many people have a difficult time avoiding them. While there are plenty of reasons to eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates, the chances of successfully […]

What You Should Know About Essential Fatty Acids

What You Should Know About Essential Fatty Acids

Although the importance of essential fatty acids has become a mainstream topic, many people still don’t know exactly what they are or why they’re important. As a result, it’s common for such people to be consuming them in imbalanced or inadequate amounts and be wasting money on supplements that they don’t need. As with most […]

The Dangers of Consuming Aspartame

The Dangers of Consuming Aspartame

Aspartame, more commonly known as the brand names NutraSweet or Equal, is an artificial sweetener that’s commonly found in many diet sodas and other low calorie products. Aspartame is a dangerous substance that should have never been approved, and because of the modern obsession with restricting calories, millions of people are risking their health by […]

The 7 Foundational Factors of Optimal Health

The 7 Foundational Factors of Optimal Health

With the prevalence of poor health and disease in today’s society, it’s evident that many people are not properly caring for themselves. They often blame their poor health on genetics and circumstance, but in most cases, this is an excuse that will prevent them from ever achieving better health. Modern medicine is so focused on […]