How the Keto Diet May Harm the Thyroid

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Over the past few years the ketogenic diet has become all the rage. The ketogenic, or keto diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. It typically limits carbohydrate intake to 30-50 grams a day. Carbohydrates break down during the digestive process into glucose to be used as fuel. But with such […]

How Deep Breathing Reduces Stress

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Throughout our lives we take millions of breaths without thinking about it. But without proper breathing we cannot experience good health. Each of the trillions of cells we’re made of requires a steady supply of oxygen to function properly. Going without it for longer than just a few minutes will result in death!  Most people […]

Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Symptoms

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Most people with chronic health complaints spend years…even decades chasing symptoms. They visit several doctors who prescribe drugs to help their symptoms. They may even see alternative health practitioners who use different tools to help manage their symptoms. And they end up frustrated, desperate for relief and looking for answers when they contact you. When […]

How to Support Liver Detoxification

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When it comes to all the organs in the body, often the liver gets overlooked for organs like the heart and lungs which are typically considered more important. Most doctors don’t focus on liver health, but instead listen to the heart and lungs during regular visits. And yet, when it comes to health, the liver is […]

Dangerous Drugs In Our Water

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Did you know that every time your clients take a drink of tap water, they’re taking drugs? And It’s far more than just fluoride and chlorine that they are consuming. A recent study has shown that there is widespread contamination in municipal water supplies caused by common pharmaceuticals. Not just floating around in the reservoirs, […]

How Sleep Deprivation is Shortening Lives

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Are your clients getting enough sleep regularly? Many likely are not. There is a constant pull for people to be productive and to make the best use of their time. If you have a client that is feeling pressure to work more, achieve more or have more, for this to happen, something else must give. […]