Unprecedented Chronic Illness and the Needs Gap

An avalanche of chronic illness is bearing down on us. Lifestyle medicine outperforms conventional medicine when it comes to chronic disease. 91% of our overall health comes from our choices – NOT chance. (Dr. Russell Jaffe, M.D.) (1) In the coming years an army of trained health coaches will be needed to fill the gap […]
7 Ways to Help Your Clients Overcome Junk Food Cravings

As a wellness professional, you encourage your clients to change how they eat, removing factory processed foods and junk foods. You have most likely discovered that it is not uncommon for certain clients to struggle to overcome junk food cravings as they attempt to transition to a new way of eating. You know that it […]
Oxalates and Chronic Health: Unlock your difficult cases with FDN’s Advanced Course

Slow or halting progress can be frustrating for both client and practitioner. Nothing is more discouraging than working hard and getting results that don’t hold or have limited improvement. Oxalates complicate cases and tend to throw us off the trail. Clients who work the hardest often suffer the most because they unwittingly load up on […]
4 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Might Not Be Right for Your Clients

Megyn Kelly’s segment (1) on intermittent fasting on January 4th featured Sumaya Kazi’s 50-pound weight loss success (2) and spoke of the amazing health benefits of intermittent fasting. Before Megyn Kelly, there was Terry Crews, former NFL star, who did a video for Business Insider in which he stated that intermittent fasting keeps him in […]
Root Cause, Schmoot Cause: How FDN Makes It Easier

A Google search for “root cause and functional health,” turns up almost seven million results. Finding the root cause is a defining principle of functional medicine, and it is a worthy endeavor. We will never stop searching for it, but it also may never be known. It can be elusive, or it may be far […]
A Thyroid Problem in the Liver? FDN Takes a Holistic Approach to Thyroid Health

Treating thyroid problems can be like sleuthing a medical mystery. Hormones are prescribed, but the client keeps returning with new complaints and still tired. The Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® approach to whole-body balance is a better way to deal with thyroid health because the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, the liver, and the gut are all involved in […]