Helping Clients With Brain Fog

We’ve all had moments where we forgot a name, misplaced our keys, had trouble producing a word, or just felt a bit hazy. However, if your clients are having regular bouts of memory loss, feeling lost or confused, or having trouble concentrating, it could be attributed to more than just a simple slip. Brain Fog […]

Be Part of a National Society of Health Coaches

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An estimated 86% of the nation’s $2.7 trillion annual health care costs are spent on chronic and mental health conditions. With those statistics it’s no wonder as to why Health Coaching has grown into a $6 billion service market, with an estimated 100,000 Health Coaches working with clients to change lifestyle habits and help improve […]

Chewing: A Simple Tool For Digestive Health

Do you ever ask your clients this simple question…  ”How well do you chew your food when you eat?”   Most people don’t think about chewing, and yet how well you chew your food plays a fundamental role on the effects of both daily and long-term health.  It is one simple act that you and your […]

Podcast: The real root cause of thyroid imbalance

Reed Davis uncovers some often overlooked and outside the box answers to these questions:When are “thyroid symptoms” not a thyroid problem?Why most doctors call hypothyroidism “idiopathic” and why it is not!How does stress affect thyroid function and the same symptoms occur?How does your immune system affect thyroid and enhance the symptoms?What about toxicity, how is […]

Food Sensitivity Testing to Heal Your Body

Reed Davis, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT), is an expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine. He is the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and the FDN Certification Course with over 3000 graduates in 50 countries.