My Blood Tests Came Back Normal. So Why Do I Still Feel Bad?

Every day many people like you visit their doctor because they are dealing with symptoms that are leaving them feeling less than great. It is common then for the doctor to order bloodwork to see what is going on. Have you ever had blood work done by your doctor? The blood analysis that your doctor […]

What Happens to Your Body When Your Lymphatic System is Clogged?

When most people look to improve their health, they start by changing diet and adding exercise. But if you are interested in restoring your health and feeling better, one function of the body that is vital to address is detoxification. One system of the body that is of particular importance for detoxification is the lymphatic […]

Instant Pot Southwestern Chicken Soup

When you’re on the journey to reclaim your health, one important part of a healthier lifestyle is eating nutrient rich foods that can help to support your body’s natural healing ability. In the US, the Standard American diet is woefully short on nutrient rich foods. And it is high in sugar, sodium and chemical additives…all which may […]

Talking About Tummy Troubles

Almost 75% of all Americans regular experience digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. And many experience multiple digestive systems and they are miserable! But these symptoms, although common, are NOT normal! They are a warning sign from the body that there is something out of balance. IBS, GERD, leaky gut, and […]

What is Hiding In Our Food?

Food fuels our bodies and our minds. We could not survive without it. But food has become much more than just a source of nutrition. When used correctly, food can be a powerful medicine. Unfortunately, many of the foods commonly eaten in the U.S. can also be toxic to the body. The importance of what […]

10 Things You Can Do to Improve Sleep

Do you struggle to get enough sleep? We often underestimate the importance of sleep for our health. But sleep deprivation’s impact on your health is one of the reasons why quality sleep is a part of the protocols our FDNThrive coaches create. You simply will not be able to restore optimal wellness if you aren’t […]