Five Foundational Habits to Get Well and Stay Well with Reed Davis | Episode 250

In this episode of the Spectrum of Health Podcast, I am joined by Reed Davis, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Certified Nutritional Therapist, to discuss five foundational habits to get well and stay well. By using FDN’s D.R.E.S.S (Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress reduction, Supplementation) to build overall health, Reed shares the key habits you […]
5 Skills That Make Nurses Highly Successful Wellness Entrepreneurs

Thinking About Leaving Nursing? Here’s Why Becoming an Online Health Practitioner is an Excellent Career Path for You. Hey, Nurse! Are you tired of working 12-hour night shifts, missing out on family events, and flat-out dreading your job? You probably already know this, but you’re not alone. To put it into perspective, 62% of nurses […]
Terrain Transformation: Evan Transue

Evan Transue is a business owner, podcast host, and graduate of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. He also suffered from a variety of health challenges for decades, a suffering which led to serious substance abuse, all of which he worked to overcome in a remarkable Terrain Transformation. In this conversation with Evan we discuss: …and more!
#331 Functional diagnostics, adrenal fatigue, and more with Reed Davis

We discusses the different aspects of functional diagnostic nutrition and testing, and how these differ from conventional health recommendations and testing ranges. Also how conventional medicine can often overlook a lot of the root causes driving a persons symptoms. We hope you really enjoy this conversation, like we did! Let us know if you have […]
Traditional Nursing Jobs vs. Entrepreneurship: Which is Riskier?

Here Are 3 Major Financial Benefits of Having an Online Wellness Business (+ Other Reasons to Leave). “You’re quitting your job to do WHAT…???” It’s not uncommon for nurses to get some pretty critical responses from family + friends when they finally work up the courage to share that they’re considering leaving behind their traditional […]
Reed Davis: The DRESS Formula: 5 Lifestyle Keys to Unlock Your Body’s Healing Potential

In this episode, Reed Davis introduces us to the DRESS formula, a comprehensive lifestyle approach that forms the cornerstone of his methodology. He delves into the concept of “metabolic chaos” and how it contributes to a wide range of health problems, including autoimmune conditions.