Podcast: Reed Davis | HPA Axis Dysregulation Or Adrenal Fatigue?

In this episode we cover why the wording Adrenal Fatigue is not quite accurate and why HPA axis dysregulation is a much more appropriate term, the problems with the adrenal fatigue concept, treatment strategies for HPA dysregulation and so much more.
8 Ways Poor Posture Damages Health

As humans, we often take good health for granted. Even worse, we fail to recognize the bad habits we have developed that can negatively impact our health in significant ways. With the increasing use of cell phones, laptops, tablets and video games, these present us with another cause for concern. Use of these devices can […]
Busting the Myths About Cholesterol

There are many forms of heart disease. However, atherosclerosis causes the most concerns. Those with atherosclerosis experience hardened arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart. Scar tissue created when the body repairs damage to cells in the arterial lining causes atherosclerosis to occur. The scar tissue may also rupture. If this happens, blood clots […]
Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Symptoms

Most people with chronic health complaints spend years…even decades chasing symptoms. They visit several doctors who prescribe drugs to help their symptoms. They may even see alternative health practitioners who use different tools to help manage their symptoms. And they end up frustrated, desperate for relief and looking for answers when they contact you. When […]
The Limitations of Lab Testing

Today, approximately 70 percent of medical decisions are based on laboratory test results. This means the majority of our medical choices, from starting a medication or supplement, changing a lifestyle habit, or undergoing a surgical procedure, are dependent upon the results from lab testing. Today, just about anyone can go online and order their own […]
How Technology Negatively Affects Your Health

Technology is everywhere! And in the digital age we live in, it is hard to escape the vast reach of the mountain of tech gadgets that people have access to. Cell phones, tablets and laptops can keep us connected with people around the globe. And they provide a level of convenience that we had not […]