248 What is The Current Healthcare System Hiding From Us? With Reed Davis | H.V.M.N. Podcast

Health via Modern Nutrition podcast - Reed Davis

In this episode, you’ll discover the fundamental principles of functional diagnostic medicine and how it empowers individuals to take control of their health. Dr. Mansor and Reed Davis shed light on the limitations of the current healthcare system and explore how a holistic approach can provide more comprehensive solutions for those seeking true well-being. If […]

Unlocking Success in Your Health Coaching Business with Jennifer Woodward

Health coach radio Nutrition podcast - Jennifer Woodward

In this episode, Jennifer discusses the need for patience, self-care, and targeted marketing.  She also emphasizes the importance of business education for health coaches and offers tips on starting a successful practice. In this conversation and her training, Jennifer encourages her students to take a stepwise approach to launching their business that makes sense and […]

Navigating Youth Mental Health Issues

Mental Health Evan Transue

Evan Transue, AKA Detective Ev, is the host of The Health Detective Podcast and owner of Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center. He graduated from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) in 2017. Evan speaks professionally to middle and high school students about mental health challenges and to date has spoken to 50,000 students.

Radiate Balance with Jennifer Woodward

The radiate wellness podcast - Jennifer Woodward

After years of unsuccessful doctor visits, Jennifer Woodward discovered Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, which gave her access to lab testing that went deeper than regular blood work. Finally, she found the reasons for all of her health issues and ways to address them. While building her health back up through a combination of diet, rest, exercise, […]