Episode 314: How ENTREPRENEURS Can Optimize Using Functional Labs w/ Marja Chow, FDNP
Optimize Using Functional Labs: Summary In this episode of ‘How ENTREPRENEURS Can Optimize Using Functional Labs’, Marja Chow, a holistic nutritionist and creator of LabFit Nutrition, shares insights into how entrepreneurs can reduce burnout and optimize health through functional lab testing and biohacking. She discusses her journey into the ketogenic space, highlighting the transformative power […]
Episode 313: Reducing Stress For Cardiac Wellness w/ Susi Amendola
Reducing Stress: Summary Reducing stress intersects with yoga, wellness, and cardiac health according to guest Susi Amendola, a renowned yoga therapist and author of author of “The Centered Heart: Evidence-Based Mind-Body Practices to Stress Less and Improve Cardiac Health”. Amendola shares her journey from experiencing severe anxiety and stress at a young age to discovering […]
Episode 312: Can SEVERE Acne Be Solved Naturally? w/ Detective Ev
Severe Acne: Summary Detective Ev shares his personal journey with severe acne and the natural methods that helped him overcome it. He begins with recounting early health symptoms and dismissals by healthcare professionals, leading to a skepticism of conventional treatments for acne including Accutane. The turning point was a decision to explore natural remedies and […]
Episode 311 EMFs: Do They REALLY Affect Your Health? w/ Nicolas Pineault
EMFs: Summary Here’s an in-depth conversation about EMFs with Nicolas Pineault a.k.a The EMF Guy. He’s discussing the impact of non native electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on health. Pineault, an author and advocate for safe technologies, provides a comprehensive understanding of how man-made EMFs like cell phone radiation, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth have potential detrimental effects on […]
Episode 310: RISING Infertility Rates (And What To Do About It) w/ Allie Parsons, FDNP
Rising Infertility Rates: Summary Rising infertility rates is alarming and upsetting in a large segment of young adults today. We are speaking with Allie Parsons, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) practitioner specializing in women’s health with regards to this health problem. Allie shared her personal health journey, dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at a […]
Episode 309: Exploring the Vital Role of Labs and FDN’s Unique Approach to Health Coaching Programs
Vital Role of Labs: Summary When exploring the vital role of labs and FDN’s unique approach to health coaching programs, Evan and Lucy discuss the importance of running lab tests and the problem with the different approaches taken by Western medicine, naturopathic doctors, and functional medicine practitioners. Evan recounts his personal experiences with these various […]