Episode 310: RISING Infertility Rates (And What To Do About It) w/ Allie Parsons, FDNP

Rising Infertility Rates: Summary Rising infertility rates is alarming and upsetting in a large segment of young adults today. We are speaking with Allie Parsons, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) practitioner specializing in women’s health with regards to this health problem. Allie shared her personal health journey, dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at a […]
Episode 309: Exploring the Vital Role of Labs and FDN’s Unique Approach to Health Coaching Programs

Vital Role of Labs: Summary When exploring the vital role of labs and FDN’s unique approach to health coaching programs, Evan and Lucy discuss the importance of running lab tests and the problem with the different approaches taken by Western medicine, naturopathic doctors, and functional medicine practitioners. Evan recounts his personal experiences with these various […]
Episode 308: RN Says DON’T Settle For Diagnoses w/ Kristy Roderick, RN, FDNP

Don’t Settle: Summary In “Don’t Settle”, Kristy Roderick shared her personal journey towards functional medicine. Despite being trained and working as a registered nurse, she experienced a range of health problems which the conventional medical system failed to adequately address. Included in these were the challenges she faced after undergoing breast augmentation surgery – something […]
Episode 307 – Wired But TIRED: How To Finally Beat Insomnia w/ Annika Carroll

Wired But Tired: Summary Have you ever been wired but tired? Detective Ev engages in an insightful discussion with Annika Carroll, an FDN practitioner specialized in sleep and the founder of Sleep Like a Boss. They discuss how underlying health issues like gut issues, hormonal imbalance, and stress contribute to sleep disorders and how these […]
Episode 306: Advanced Wellness Course – Heart Health w/Dr. Lori Rose

Heart Health: Summary In this podcast, Evan and Dr. Lori discuss heart health with a focus on functional medicine. They evaluate the role and relevance of certain biomarkers for heart health such as Vitamin D, Homocysteine, ApoB, and lipoprotein, and the considerations that need to be made when interpreting lab results. They also shed light […]
Episode 305: Your Body Knows BEST – Learning to Listen w/ Wendy Handy, FDNP

Your Body Knows Best: Summary In this “your body knows best” episode, FDNP Wendy Handy candidly shares her health struggles starting with her diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis and her journey through overcoming the illness. She talks about her relentless drive and perfectionist tendencies that led to ignoring her health symptoms and just pushing through despite […]