Stop Making Resolutions and Get Well Naturally in 2022!

December is almost over, and the year is ending. A new year is just about here and with it come new beginnings and a fresh clean slate. For many, it seems like the perfect time to make changes. After weeks of holiday celebrations and overindulging in food, drink, and fun it has become a custom to make New […]
9 Things You Can Do to Boost Immune System Function

Every fall and winter season there is an increase in colds and flu. That combined with viruses like Covid-19 and many people are concerned about getting sick. Naturally, one of the best things you can do to ward off bacterial infections and viruses is to keep your immune system functioning at optimal levels. Luckily there […]
How Much Does It Cost to Work with A Functional Medicine Professional?

Over the past decade, there has been a move towards functional health. More people are searching for functional medicine doctors and professionals to help them overcome health issues that have been difficult to resolve. But how much does it cost to work with a functional medicine professional? We are going to answer this question and […]
How the End of Daylight Saving Time Impacts Your Health

Early one Sunday morning each autumn we set our clocks back one hour after moving them forward an hour one Sunday morning each spring. Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been adopted by various countries throughout the world since 1908. But daylight saving time may have a negative impact on your health that can have long-lasting […]
It’s Time to Stop Chasing Symptoms With Supplements

Have you been chasing symptoms with supplements? Many people spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year hoping supplements will help them feel better. But it’s time to stop chasing symptoms and go deeper. Many people work with health coaches and other alternative practitioners because they want to reclaim their health. Too often they […]
The Truth About Cholesterol

There are many forms of heart disease. However, atherosclerosis causes the most concerns. Those with atherosclerosis experience hardened arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart. The scar tissue created when the body repairs damage to cells in the arterial lining causes atherosclerosis to occur. The scar tissue may also rupture. If this happens, blood […]