Three Things To Know When Starting Your Health Coaching Business

Are you thinking about starting your own full-time Health Coaching business, but do not know where to begin? Don’t worry, there are no rules because everyone’s situation is unique. First, take a deep breath and remember, you do not have to do everything all at once! Here are the first three things to have in […]
Six Ways to Use Your Health Coach Certification

Are you drawn to the idea of becoming a health coach, but are not quite sure what you would do with a health coaching certification? The great news is, the options are endless. Here are six great options to get you started! Start your own health coaching practice, working with clients in your local area.Join […]
8 Ways Poor Posture Damages Health

As humans, we often take good health for granted. Even worse, we fail to recognize the bad habits we have developed that can negatively impact our health in significant ways. With the increasing use of cell phones, laptops, tablets and video games, these present us with another cause for concern. Use of these devices can […]
Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Symptoms

Most people with chronic health complaints spend years…even decades chasing symptoms. They visit several doctors who prescribe drugs to help their symptoms. They may even see alternative health practitioners who use different tools to help manage their symptoms. And they end up frustrated, desperate for relief and looking for answers when they contact you. When […]
How Sleep Deprivation is Shortening Lives

Are your clients getting enough sleep regularly? Many likely are not. There is a constant pull for people to be productive and to make the best use of their time. If you have a client that is feeling pressure to work more, achieve more or have more, for this to happen, something else must give. […]
Take Control of Your Health in 2017

December is almost half over and a new year is just around the corner. With it come new beginnings, and a fresh clean slate. It is an opportunity to start again The beginning of a new year seems like a great time to take control of your health. Each year, after weeks of celebrating and indulging in food, […]