How Technology Negatively Affects Your Health

Technology is everywhere! And in the digital age we live in, it is hard to escape the vast reach of the mountain of tech gadgets that people have access to. Cell phones, tablets and laptops can keep us connected with people around the globe. And they provide a level of convenience that we had not […]
Water 101: Nature’s Most Important Nutrient Part 2

Here is part two of our Water 101 series. Read part one here. Where does it all go? If you make the average 6-8 trips to the restroom per day, that is 8 cups of water leaving the body. Your lungs expel between two and four cups of each day through normal breathing. That number […]
Water 101: Nature’s Most Important Nutrient Part 1

Do you know that basics of water and why it’s so important to your health? It’s time for water 101. It doesn’t get the same media attention as green tea, flax seeds or antioxidants. It doesn’t have the glamour and prestige attached to the latest new superfood. When talking about nutrition, it often gets overlooked. […]
15 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating!

Good health starts with a good diet of healthy foods. However, we rarely think of each bite as a decision about our health. Did you realize that what you put into your body can influence whether or not you develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or a host of other health problems? Eating a whole, natural-foods diet […]
What Does Good Health Mean to You?

What does good health mean to you? It can mean different things to different people, especially for those that struggle with joint pain, digestive issues, are fatigued or that feel they live a healthy lifestyle, yet still have many more symptoms than they should. Think about this…by the time you have symptoms, many systems in […]
You May Be Deficient in Magnesium and Not Know It

Magnesium deficiency is becoming an epidemic as less than 30% of adults consume the recommended daily allowance of this vital mineral. To complicate matters, as many as 80% of all people could be mildly to severely deficient in magnesium. And since magnesium is required for more than 300 processes in the body, when deficiency occurs, […]