Oxalates and Chronic Health: Unlock your difficult cases with FDN’s Advanced Course

Slow or halting progress can be frustrating for both client and practitioner. Nothing is more discouraging than working hard and getting results that don’t hold or have limited improvement. Oxalates complicate cases and tend to throw us off the trail. Clients who work the hardest often suffer the most because they unwittingly load up on […]
Foods that are High in Oxalates

Are you sensitive to oxalates? If so, you need to know about the foods that are high in them! There is a popular proverb that says, “one man’s food is another man’s poison” and that saying is true. Although there are many that believe that all humans can eat the same diet, we are all […]
Top Signs You May Have Oxalate Sensitivity

When it comes to getting healthy, great emphasis is put on eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. But while some foods may be healthy and nourishing for one person, they may actually make someone else ill. This is the case for those who struggle with oxalate sensitivity. Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds that are […]
Oxalates: When Healthy Foods Can Be Dangerous to the Body

Are Oxalates Preventing You From Seeing Results? Are you working with a client or patient and they are not seeing the improvements that they should be? Maybe oxalates are preventing your client from seeing success. You have a client or patient that you’ve been working with…let’s call him Jamie. Even though Jamie is doing everything […]