Practitioner Spotlight – Elise Purcell H.H.P, FDN-P (VIDEO)

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Like many FDNs, Elise Purcell understood what it felt like to go through the “cycle of trial and error” with her own health challenges.  Over the last 10 years,  she had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, borderline Auto-Immune disease, Gout, Lyme Disease, a parasite that took 5 years of treatment to get rid of, leaky […]

Practitioner Spotlight- Carmen Dunn CNP, FDN-P (VIDEO)

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FDN practitioner Carmen Dunn experienced a burnout for several years that eventually catapulted her to quit her corporate marketing job and go back to study holistic nutrition.  The resulting effect of burnout left her with severe adrenal dysregulation, as well as, cortisol that was just shy of having Addison’s disease,  a frightening revelation!  During school and after […]

Practitioner Spotlight – Danyelle Demchock BA, FDN-P, CTMA®, NASM®

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Danyelle Demchock was led to FDN through her desire to learn about functional medicine, underlying causes that create diseases if the body is kept in that state, subclinical assessment of the body, and a desire to help her clients to learn more about their bodies and start being the CEO’s of their health and well-being. […]

Practitioner Spotlight- Rebecca Pemberton FDN-P, CMTA

Practitioner Spotlight Rebecca Pemberton

In 1998, Rebecca Pemberton had a high-stress job placing nurses at a major hospital in Atlanta. Along with that came all the unhealthy habits that came along with it – eating on the run, being on call all hours of the day & night.   During a routine dental appointment, when the hygiene tools were placed […]

Practitioner Spotlight – Lynn Altieri-Need

Practitioner Spotlight Lynn Altieri Need FDN P

This month’s practitioner spotlight is with Lynn Altieri-Need, FDN-P. Lynn’s personal journey is one born from a mother’s unrelenting will to help her child. Like many of us, Lynn’s experienced her own health struggles early suffering with endometriosis, from age twelve until twenty-six, and found that the only solutions offered by conventional doctors were pain […]

Practitioner Spotlight- Angie White FDN-P, AFDNP Member

Practitioner Spotlight Angie White FDN P AFDNP member

Today’s practitioner spotlight features Angie White, an FDN practitioner and a member of AFDNP. Angie’s personal journey with health started early in life, as a teenager. Angie struggled with weight issues, which eventually led into emotional and disordered eating, sugar addiction and ultimately took a toll on her health. From her early teens she struggled […]