Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

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In order to be as healthy as possible, it is important to understand that one cannot be healthy and thrive if they are not getting enough sleep. Sleep is so important that it is a part of the healing protocol that is used by all FDN practitioners.  This is because it is recognized that without […]

Sleep Required to Detoxify the Brain

Sleep Required

Most people would agree that getting adequate sleep each night is a vital part of overall health.  And while we are still learning more about the ways that the body benefits from optimal sleep, recent research is beginning to show the need for proper sleep in order to detoxify the brain. Throughout our day the […]

Balancing Brain Power for Maximum Productivity

Balancing Brain Power for Maximum Productivity FDN

Our guest post today on balancing brain power comes from Brendan Vermeire, FDN-P, functional health coach. Be sure to read more about Brendan below! Have you ever wanted to get something done but didn’t have the mental energy or clarity to do so?  Or struggled with shutting down your mind at night in order to […]

10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep

10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep

Functional health coaches, do your clients struggle with getting enough sleep? It is vital for them to be getting enough sleep so that they can avoid the health pitfalls of sleep deprivation. Here are some tips that you can share with them that can help them to improve their sleep so that they can improve […]

How to Handle the Effects of Daylight Saving Time

How to Handle the Effects of Daylight Saving Time

Photo credit: © Boggy | Throughout the US each spring, there comes a Sunday in which we routinely are required to move our clocks ahead by one hour.  Daylight saving time is an annual event that was started in the US in 1918 as a way to conserve energy during World War 1, and […]

Top Signs of Sleep Deprivation

Top Signs of Sleep Deprivation

Getting plenty of quality sleep is critical for health and a vital part of keeping your body functioning at its best. However, with overloaded schedules, far too many obligations, and rising stress levels, a majority of people are not getting enough sleep each night. Having an occasional late night out won’t affect your health negatively. […]