10 Easy Ways You Can Reduce Stress Fast!

At FDNthrive, we know that the top source of all chronic illnesses is stress. And stress is high for the majority of people. And yet most people don’t have a regular stress management routine and spend little time doing things to reduce stress. They simply are unaware that not working to reduce stress each day […]

What Causes Brain Fog and How Can You Fix It?

Woman holding a book looking concerned

Millions of people experience brain fog every day. But what causes it and what can you do to overcome it? We’ve all experienced it at one time or another.  That moment when you suffer from a little lapse in mental clarity. We’ve all had moments where we forgot a name, misplaced our keys, had trouble remembering […]

The Truth About Cholesterol

Table covered with bacon, pork chops, butter, heavy cream and sour cream

There are many forms of heart disease. However, atherosclerosis causes the most concerns. Those with atherosclerosis experience hardened arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart. The scar tissue created when the body repairs damage to cells in the arterial lining causes atherosclerosis to occur. The scar tissue may also rupture. If this happens, blood […]

Top 8 Signs Stress May Be Causing Your Hormonal Imbalance

A woman sitting on a dock by a lake meditating

At FDNthrive, we understand what an important part managing stress plays in your overall health. We regularly see how damaging stress is to your hormones. And how it contributes to hormonal imbalance. Long-term, chronic stress is one of the top contributors to all chronic illnesses. Every person faces their own individual challenges that cause stress. […]

What is SIBO and How Can It Affect Your Gut?

A woman is lying on a couch with her hands grabbing her stomach in discomfort

Symptoms such as chronic gas, bloating or abdominal cramps may be common, but they aren’t normal. They may be telling you that something is out of balance in your digestive system, so pay attention! These are just a few of the digestive symptoms that can be a sign of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, […]

How Chasing Symptoms Keeps You from Being Healthy

Most people with chronic health complaints spend years…even decades chasing symptoms. They visit several doctors who prescribe drugs to help their symptoms. They may even see alternative health practitioners who use different tools to help manage their symptoms. And they end up frustrated, desperate for relief and looking for answers. When our coaches talk to […]