Talking About Tummy Troubles

Almost 75% of all Americans regular experience digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. And many experience multiple digestive systems and they are miserable! But these symptoms, although common, are NOT normal! They are a warning sign from the body that there is something out of balance. IBS, GERD, leaky gut, and […]

Can You Overcome Candida?

Do you constantly crave sugar and carbohydrates? Are you tired most of the time? Wondering why you have sinus congestion, bloating and/or brain fog every day? It just might be a classic case of Candida overgrowth. Over 70% of Americans are believed to have some stage of Candida, yet most of them don’t know it. […]

8 Common Signs of Food Intolerances

If you’re here, then most likely you’ve been focusing on getting healthy. Perhaps you’ve transitioned to a healthier way of eating and are even eating the right balance of macronutrients for your body. But even though you are feeling a little better than before, you are still dealing with some stubborn health issues that just […]

Functional Lab Tests Help Uncover Why You Have Symptoms

Uncovering the “why” At some point in your life, you may have experienced health issues that require a visit to the doctor. While there, the doctor asked you to describe what symptoms you were experiencing. Then your doctor may have run one or more tests. These tests help to verify what illness or disorder you […]