The DRESS Protocol & Metabolic Chaos: An In-Depth Guide to Lifestyle Healing

FDN’s DRESS Protocol is a trademarked, comprehensive system designed to address every opportunity for lifestyle healing. This guide explains how balancing diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplementation can restore your body’s “vital reserve bank account” and reduce metabolic chaos. Introduction to Metabolic Chaos™ and the DRESS Protocol™ Metabolic Chaos describes the cumulative disruption of […]
The FDN Investigation Process: A Comprehensive Approach to Assessing and Addressing Metabolic Chaos

Understanding the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition ™ (FDN) Investigation Process Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) offers a data-driven approach to uncovering hidden health imbalances and addressing metabolic chaos. Unlike traditional healthcare models that often treat symptoms in isolation, FDN practitioners take a 360-degree view of clients, integrating lab data with lifestyle factors to develop personalized wellness plans. […]
Health Coaching Business Tips – Moving Beyond Becoming Accredited

Is Becoming Accredited the Key to a Successful Health Coaching Business? If you’re thinking about becoming a Health Coach, chances are you’ve been told you need to get accredited, right? And that’s not bad advice! In a booming industry valued at around $7 billion, and increasing numbers of people being drawn to health coaching careers, […]
Top 5 Functional Health Tests for Health Coaches & Practitioners

Top 5 Functional Health Tests Everyone Can Benefit From. Whether it’s for yourself or your clients, getting to the bottom of unwanted health symptoms can be exhausting! Maybe you’ve tried: And still…the symptoms persist. Or, maybe you found some temporary relief — HALLELUJAH, Thank You God + Universe Buttttt…then the symptoms came back (siiigghhh). Here […]
Tools of the Trade in the Wellness Space Vs Illness Space

Contrasting the tools of the trade in the wellness and illness spaces, FDN® Practitioners follow well-established principles in uncovering healing opportunities for their Health Coaching clients. Those clients, at the same time, are often under the care of medical doctors for specific conditions and have often received very particular diagnoses and been offered prescription medications […]
Overcoming the 3 O’clock Energy Slump

Do you suffer from a lack of energy or fatigue, midday? Then you are a member of the 3 o’clock energy slump club! Do you struggle to make it through the day without an afternoon caffeine boost? Maybe you work at home and naps are a part of your routine. Not the leisurely day, pamper […]