Habits for Successful Health Coaches

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Habits for Successful Health Coaches 1 1080x675

Becoming a Health Coach and helping people achieve optimal health and happiness is a very rewarding experience. However, becoming a successful Health Coach does come with its challenges. Much like other entrepreneurial businesses, you will have to put in a lot of time, energy and money to create a profitable Health Coaching practice. Here are […]

How to Health Coach By Prioritizing Self Care

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition How to Health Coach By Prioritizing Self Care

As a health coach, it is essential to practice what you teach. A key facet of this is prioritizing your own self-care. Self-care is all about taking care of your personal needs, health and well-being. As a health coach, it is essential to practice what you teach. A key facet of this is prioritizing your […]

How Can A Nurse Become A Health Coach?

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition How Can A Nurse Become A Health Coach

How Can a Nurse Become a Health Coach. Nursing is a tiring and not always appreciated job. The current healthcare system is making it nearly impossible for nurses to effectively support the numerous patients seen on a daily basis. Nursing is a tiring and not always appreciated job. The current healthcare system is making it […]

Health Coach and Client Relationship

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Health Coach and Client Relationship

A health coach client relationship is uniquely different from that of a doctor patient relationship. In our current healthcare system, doctors do not have the time to really get to know their patients. A health coach client relationship is uniquely different from that of a doctor patient relationship. In our current healthcare system, doctors do […]

How to Support Liver Detoxification

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When it comes to all the organs in the body, often the liver gets overlooked for organs like the heart and lungs which are typically considered more important. Most doctors don’t focus on liver health, but instead listen to the heart and lungs during regular visits. And yet, when it comes to health, the liver is […]

Unprecedented Chronic Illness and the Needs Gap

Unprecedented Chronic Illness and the Needs Gap

An avalanche of chronic illness is bearing down on us. Lifestyle medicine outperforms conventional medicine when it comes to chronic disease. 91% of our overall health comes from our choices – NOT chance. (Dr. Russell Jaffe, M.D.) (1) In the coming years an army of trained health coaches will be needed to fill the gap […]