10 Ways You Can Reduce Stress Now!

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The main source of all chronic illness is stress. But most people spend little time doing things to reduce stress, unaware that not doing so is contributing to illness. With FDN, one important element in the healing protocol that we use with clients is stress management. You simply cannot get well if stress remains at […]

Practitioner Spotlight: Kathleen DiChiara, FDN-P, INHC, BNI-P

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Author, Health Advocate & AFDNP Member Kathleen DiChiara was enjoying a successful career in investor relations with a Fortune 500 company when her journey began. It was at that time she developed a sudden-onset neuropathy. That eventually led into having back surgery which left her permanently disabled for life.  From there, she found herself in […]

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

As a functional health coach, one of the things that often factors into the health issues that clients face are nutrient deficiencies. As the consumption of packaged and processed foods has increased, and unprocessed, whole foods decreased, nutrient deficiencies have become more widespread due to the lack of proper nutrients that are typically found in […]

Signs Your Cortisol Levels Are Too High

Signs Your Cortisol Levels are Too High

Functional health coaches regularly deal with clients who are chronically stressed.  And because clients are tested, it is clear to see how high levels of stress are negatively impacting the health of those we work with.  And yet, these clients already know that they need to better manage stress, and yet they rarely take the […]