[00:00:00] Detective Ev: Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, aka, Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show on part 3 of our 200th Episode Special.
If you do not know what is going on already, I am pretty surprised as to why you would’ve clicked on this episode given the title, but I will explain it just in case.

We recently were celebrating our 200th episode special. We realized the content that we wanted to include on the 200th episode was going to have to span over a few episodes. What we are doing for this special is taking the best advice from every single guest we ever had on this show and compiling it into one thing.
How we are compiling the best advice from all these guests is by taking the answers from our signature question on the Health Detective Podcast. The signature question that we always finish with is, if the person could get everyone in the world to do one thing for their health, what is the one thing that they would get them to do?
Now, you could imagine that that probably leads to their best advice overall, that they’re capable of giving. At least for most people it will do this. So, that’s why we are compiling all of those answers to that specific question. We are just continuing this here. This is part three. It’s our final part of the series.
200th Episode: Don’t Ignore Your Intuition
If you’d like to listen to the other two parts, you can find those in the show notes below, but I don’t think this needs any further explanation. If you’re not looking for an episode like this, then just stick around, make sure you are subscribed. We will be back next time with our normally scheduled interviews and interesting health content. Without further ado, let’s get to the final part in our 200th episode special.

Dr. Piper Gibson: I would specifically to moms, not ignore your gut when it comes to your child’s health. Do not ignore your gut. If you feel like in your gut, if you feel like your mother’s soul, your mother’s intuition, something is wrong, explore that. Honestly, so many people just ignore that gut feeling.
I know it sounds woo-woo, but it’s not. That is your soul, your gut, whatever you believe telling you like, hey, something is not right. So yes, absolutely. If I had a magic wand, I’d be like, do not write it off. Do not ignore it. If you know it’s there. Dig into it. (Download – Tackling Tic DIsorders Using The FDN System w/ Dr. Piper Gibson, ND, FDN-P | Podbean)
200th Episode: Meditation & Stop Eating Sugar
Dr. Sandeep Gupta: Wow, that’s a great question. And to be honest, I’ve never thought about it. But right at this moment, I’m going to go with meditation. The reason for that is I believe that just from doing that and from getting some more stillness within and getting a rising consciousness, that it’s likely that other things are going to come from there. And that’s why I’m going with that rather than saying something like just eliminate gluten or just eliminate sugar. Which those are of course hugely important, there’s no doubt about it.
But I would say if they brought in that one habit of just doing meditation regularly, that it’s likely their consciousness will grow, and they’ll start realizing these other things in due time. (Download – Meet One Of Our Medical Directors w/ Dr. Sandeep Gupta | Podbean)

Dr. Kyrin Dunston: It is to stop eating sugar, number one, hands down. Stop with the sugar, y’all. Keep it to like 24 grams of sugar a day or less. If you did that one thing, you could transform your health. Even what we call the standard American diet, the SAD diet, is full of sugar. It’s appalling.
So, everybody’s familiar with the Super Size Me movie with Morgan Sperlock, who ate obviously unhealthy food and totally derailed his health in two months. But not everyone’s familiar with the movie called That Sugar Film by Damon Gameau, who’s an Australian filmmaker who ate quote/unquote “healthy” food that most Americans think is healthy, granola bars, yogurt, smoothies. And he completely derailed his health in two months. Stop with the sugar. (Download – Mastering Hormones To Lose 100 POUNDS w/ Dr. Kyrin Dunston, MD | Podbean)
200th Episode: Wear a Glucose Monitor, Adopt a Simple Routine, Laugh, and Connect with Nature
Robin Switzer: Oh boy. Stop eating sugar. That would be the one thing. Maybe the second thing would be wear a continuous glucose monitor for 30 days so you really understand what you’re doing to your health every time you put something in your mouth. (Download – Founder of KetoCon Talks Keto + Details of This Year’s Event w/ Robin Switzer | Podbean)
Xiaoyun Pan: I would like people to just have a simple routine for their day. They don’t have to start with anything complicated, that they don’t have to decide, should I go to keto, or should I do the intermittent fasting? Just start with those simple routine, doing some very basic things like drinking enough water, like move your body, get some sunlight.

Also make yourself laugh. Just do something cheerful and entertaining at least once a day and laugh out loud. I think that would help a lot of stressful professionals. (Download – Engineering, Thyroid Cancer, And Becoming An FDN w/ Xiaoyun Pan, FDN-P, FNTP, CTNC | Podbean)
Ginny Miller: Of course, it’s hard cause there’s so many things. But I have come to believe that getting in nature and especially barefoot, if possible, or at least touching a tree, getting your hands in the soil. Connecting with nature as often as you can is critical. I mean, it’s as important as sleeping and eating and all that other stuff. But that’s what we’ve lost in today’s modern society. I love my computer too, believe me. But if we’re at our desk, at the computer too long and not getting outside, sunshine, fresh air. (Download – The REAL Reason Some Clients Stay Sick w/ Ginny Miller, FDN-P | Podbean)
200th Episode: Take Imperfect Action & Control the Light
Jo Pate: What I say to everybody all the time is take imperfect action. I think people get paralyzed in if I don’t have the right diet, if I don’t have the right foods, if I can’t afford this food, I can’t do this exercise program, I can’t get this sleep. If I can’t do everything at once. I don’t do anything at all. I’ve met people like that. I’ve had people like that in my office, in my chair that feel like if I can’t do it all, it’s not worth doing anything.
So, honestly, I would encourage everybody to take imperfect action. If there’s just one thing you can do today and that is walk for 20 minutes, then you walk for 20 minutes. If that’s the only thing that you can do, do it, because it builds right? Eventually you’re going to feel better walking that 20 minutes and then there’s something else you’re going to choose to do. Then there’s something else.
Maybe next thing you know, you’re going to bed at 10 o’clock and you’re sleeping till 6:00 am. And you’re not on your phone for an hour before bed. It just will compound, the effects compound if you start taking imperfect action. (Download – We Will HELP You Build Your Biz w/ Our FDNthrive Program w/ Jo Pate, FDN-P | Podbean)

Greg Gostincar: It’s fair to say that since we talked about it a lot and we both know the effects of that, it’s controlling the light basically. That’s the simplest thing to do and has so many benefits. People can actually see the benefits in a very short time for free. I think that that would be the one. Yeah. (Download – Achieve Peak Brain And Mental Performance w/ Greg Gostincar | Podbean)
200th Episode: No More Diets, Goats’ Milk Keifer, & Sleep More
Hally Brooke: Okay, so the first one is stop Googling diets. Please don’t do another thing called a diet, ever. It’s a 300 billion industry with a 95% fail rate. If we can destroy that industry, that would be great. So, no more diets.
Then the second thing I would say is drink goats’ milk keifer every day. (Download – From Guessing To Testing w/ Hally Brooke | Podbean)

Matt Terry: Sleep more. Very easy. If people slept at least seven, eight hours a day, you actually, technically, wouldn’t age. If you look at the sleep studies on that, one of the reasons why you age and you age poorly is cause you don’t recover from the day. So, if you had recovery from the day and you had full sleep cycles, you would age much slower and you’d have way less health problems. That’s the number one thing I would tell people when they first come in, they meet with me like, like I said before, if we don’t get you sleeping, we’ve got some major problems.
I don’t care about really a lot of other things, even food choices. I care about sleep way more than that. Cause I’ve had people eat perfect foods and workout tons who sleep like crap, who are very unhealthy people and have bad labs. And I’ve had people who are like their food’s ok. They sleep really well. Just some major movements. They control their stress. They’re not super high strung. Their labs are awesome, and they feel really good.
So, I would say before anything, sleep. (Download – Kidney Cancer, Obesity, and an Eating Disorder w/ Matt Terry, FDN-P, CPT | Podbean)
200th Episode: Be the Driver of Your Own Health Bus
Alyce Adams: To understand or decide that their health is in their hands. That whatever is going on with their health and their body, they are the person driving the bus.

They can get advice. If they get a doctor or whatever, that’s their advisor. That’s not the person who gets to decide. They really are the decision maker and the driver. What they decide and do matters a hundred times more than what anyone else does about their own health. (Download – Solutions to Vaginal Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence w/ Alyce Adams, RN (AKA “The Kegel Queen”) | Podbean)
Kimberly Boehm: Go outside. If you go outside, you’re going to get fresh air, you’re going to get sunlight, you’re going to get the grounding of the earth. Something somebody told me the other day is, I don’t really need to be out in the earth. What does that have to do with anything? And I said, you know, when was the last time you bought seeds in an envelope that grew in the envelope? They don’t. There’s an innate intelligence, you gotta put them in the ground. Then they sprout, but they don’t grow in an envelope. We don’t grow inside either. Go outside. (Download – How Kim Went From Nursing to FDN Extraordinaire w/ Kimberly Boehm, FDN-P | Podbean)
Patrick Porter, PhD: I would have them start every morning with a meditation that upregulates their brain and gets them ready for the day without any synthetic means, just by their own breath, thoughts, and actions, and get them right. I think everything starts first thing in the morning. You win the day by winning the morning. (Download – A Headset That Can Improve Dementia? You Bet! w/ Patrick Porter, PhD | Podbean)
200th Episode: Take Magnesium and a Spore-Based Probiotic
Nattha Wannissorn, PhD: Magnesium. Yeah, I think that would improve everyone’s health.
Magnesium is a big one because nearly everyone is low in magnesium these days and it’s a big contributor to all kinds of health issues. I know a lot of people will have trouble changing their diets or changing their habits in other ways. So, I would start with that. (Download – From Cancer Researcher to Functional Phanatic w/ Nattha Wannissorn, PhD | Podbean)
Kiran Krishnan: That’s a great question. This might sound biased, but I would genuinely have them take a researched spore-based probiotic. I think the impact that these microbes have on your system keeps surprising us.

Every time we look at it, every time we do a new study it just baffles us the kinds of impact that they can make on your system. Not only are they themselves producing things and changing things and creating things that impact your health in a positive way but they’re also influencing the rest of your microbiome to become more commensal, more beneficial and all that. That can be a sea of change for people with their health. So, although it seems biased, that’s one thing I would do.
Stop Getting Misguided Health Information
The second thing, a thing that I would ask them to stop doing, is stop getting misguided information on health. One of the unfortunate things about the internet is that anyone can be on there talking about anything, giving any kind of advice, right? And more often than not, people who are qualified, people who have the background, who understand science and health and so on, are trying to undo misinformation that people have baked into their brains.
Follow somebody who’s trained, follow an FDN, right? Follow a nutritionist. Follow a RD or doctor of some sort that seems to be trained in the field. Have a little bit more discernment about whose information you look at. Then try to get all your supplement advice and knowledge from people who know how to vet this stuff.

That’s one of the reasons why we love working with the practitioner community because we think most people should be buying their supplements through practitioners. We don’t want you to waste your time or take the wrong thing and maybe take something that’s unsafe or get one of those hundred billion CFU probiotics in the refrigerator that’s just going to die in your stomach anyway. Right? You’re just wasting your time. So, listen to programs like this. Share programs like this with people you know so that people can get really good, vetted information. (Episode 160: Co-founder of Microbiome Labs Explains Why Spore-Based Probiotics Are King w/ Kiran Krishnan Co-founder of Microbiome Labs Explains Why Spore-based Probiotics are King (
200th Episode: Realize How You Speak to Yourself & Get Moving
Gabriela Couto: I could go in so many different aspects of this. If we’re talking about mental health, I would definitely say to start with awareness and realizing how are you speaking to yourself, the language of your mind, and how your mind is speaking to you.

I love the whole mind body connection and so I just say movement, getting your body out to move, seeing what your body says to you. I don’t mean just by like, yes, walking is great, but what are like the tightness of your hips? So, like if you are working out a lot, just making sure that you’re being counter active with the stretching aspect of it because we do tend to hold a lot of trauma in our fascia. And so really making sure that we’re being diverse with our workouts and our movements. (Download – Fluoride IS Dangerous, And We Can Prove It w/ Gabriela Couto (Formal Dental Hygienist) | Podbean)
Becca Kyle: I would say make more time in your life for rest and play. They are not luxuries. They are necessities in your life. If you are going, going, going, and not resting and not playing, it’s like kind of being in the stress-based tunnel vision. You’re missing really great answers to the problems that you’re having.
200th Episode: Make More Time for Rest and Play
Creativity is in your peripheral vision. You can kind of be like a racehorse with its blinders on. You’re not seeing simple solutions that are just right outside those little blinders. So, when you activate that parasympathetic nervous system, that rest and digest, when you rest, when you play, when you add some expansiveness into your life is when things start to shift dramatically. It’s all about reducing stress.
To me, two of the easiest ways is making time for rest and making time for play. And that looks different for everybody. It could be a 10-minute walk, or a coffee date with a friend. It could be like literally locking yourself in your bedroom away from your children for a 10-minute nap or painting a picture. I mean, there’s no right or wrong way to rest and play. So, figuring out what that looks like for you and actively participating in it.

I know when you’re stressed out it’s typically rest and play that are the first thing’s to go. You stop doing all those things that delight you. But when you bring them back in, everything starts to shift for the better. And everybody, I don’t care how much money you have, I don’t care how busy you are, I don’t care what you’ve got going on in your life, rest and play doesn’t have to cost anything. It doesn’t have to take up hours of your day. It could be 10 minutes here, five minutes there. So, it’s just a matter of doing it. (Download – Serial Entrepreneur Finally Finds a Home with FDN! w/ Becca Kyle, FDN-P | Podbean)
200th Episode: Improve Your Indoor Air Quality & Do ProLon Fasts
Ryan Mihalkovitz: Yeah. Super tough question. But I really do think, maybe I’m a little biased with this, but really just getting your indoor air quality either checked or having that on point.
Cause you are, you’re living in it, you’re working in it, your family’s in it. You’re sleeping in it. It’s just super important. You can only go about three minutes without breathing. So, I’d say that’s pretty important. Definitely getting that on point is key. (Download – Collegiate Athlete Stopped In His Tracks Due To Mystery Symptoms w/ Ryan Mihalkovitz | Podbean)
Shawna O’neill: Even knowing the question, it’s a hard question to answer. But I think I would say to trust your body and your instincts. That gut instinct is something. If somebody tells you something, you read an article and it doesn’t resonate with you and everybody’s doing whatever, keto or whatever, and it doesn’t fit for you, then just trust what your body’s telling you when you do something. (Download – Accounting, Equine Therapy, and Healing Using FDN w/ Shawna O’neill | Podbean)

Dr. William Hsul: It’s easy for me. I think the science has shown over and over again, five-day ProLon Fast three times a year. It’ll do wonders to your health. 15 days of effort in 365 days in a year, think about that. Three, five-day cycles of ProLon. You will be amazed what it can do for you. A little bit of a break, a little bit of a fast can do wonders for your health. (Download – How To Fast (Without The Fast?) w/ Dr. William Hsul | Podbean)
200th Episode: Walk While Incorporating Other Healthy Options & Don’t Drink US Tap Water
Dr. Benjamin Torres: I knew you were going to ask me one of these questions. Like, I should’ve really listened to the end of one of these podcasts, so I’d know what the question is. I didn’t and now I’m on the spot. If I could recommend somebody does one thing for their health. I think the number one thing that I’d recommend somebody does is walk. Almost anybody can do it regardless of where their functional level is.
There is tons of research that says it has therapeutic value for a vast amount of conditions. And you can do a lot of things during that walk. Whether it’s listening to a podcast like this to better yourself, whether it’s breath work, whether it’s core strength, whatever it may be, there’s so much you can do within that. Walking has such a diverse amount of benefit. If I had to just say one thing for everybody to do regularly, I’d say walk. (Download – How Work-From-Home Entrepreneurs Can Improve Mobility w/ Dr. Benjamin Torres, DPT | Podbean)
Nicole Dube: Gosh. I would say eat whole foods. Stop eating processed foods (Download – Shining Light On Mast Cell Activation Syndrome w/ Nicole Dube, FDN-P | Podbean).

Shalin Zapletal: Definitely stop drinking tap water in the United States. (Download – Hidden Symptoms Of Mold Exposure w/ Shalin Zapletal | Podbean).
200th Episode: Get 10 Minutes of Sunlight Every Morning & Erase Mom Guilt
Karen Thomas: Eat whole foods. Eat a whole orange, not orange juice. Eat a whole apple. Just eat whole foods. Stay to the perimeter of your grocery store because that’s where the good food is, not those middle aisles with the processed stuff. It’s the fruit, the vegetables. If you do meat, eat organic, grass fed, pasture raised. Really invest in what you’re putting in your mouth every day because what you are putting in your mouth is going to give your body the information it needs to succeed and to give you the energy that you need to do whatever it is you’re doing. So yes, that is the one thing that I would say is eat whole foods (Download – 2 Years BEDRIDDEN To Functional BADASS w/ Karen Thomas | Podbean).
Jenn Cino: Oh, there’s so many. I would say get 10 minutes of sunlight every single morning. It’ll change your day, and then it’ll change your life (Download – Stopping A Family History Of Autoimmunity w/ Jenn Cino, FDN-P | Podbean).
Jess Sherman: I should have done my homework, so I’d know what the question was.

I’ll tell you one thing I would wave my magic wand on is to erase mom guilt. Like just erase it from the face of the planet so it does not exist, cause guilt does not serve us. We all think of what we should have done, what we could have done, what we didn’t do, what I wish I had done, and what I wish I had known. So, that would be gone.
200th Episode: For Parents to Discuss Their Vision of Health
Then I think if I can do two, can I do two? If I could do two, one would be to have a good solid conversation with your parenting partner about health and your vision of health. What does a healthy family look like to you, feel like to you? What does a healthy child look like and feel like to you? And how close, or how far away from that are you right now?
I tell people that I help people course correct. I just course correct. But you have to first identify that there’s something to course correct. We get so busy in our lives and we’re just on a treadmill as parents.

Just stop for a sec, take a breath, and think about what the vision of health you have is. What is it that you want for your kids and for your family? From there, if you have that vision, that’s the starting point. You don’t know how to get there because otherwise, you would be there by now. So, don’t worry about that, just think about what it is that you want.
Then find people who can help. It might not be me but find people who have a plan in place for how you can get closer to that vision of health. I could do so many more, Evan. There are so many things, but I’ll leave it at that. (Download – How To Help Anxious Kids And Their Families w/ Jess Sherman, MEd, RHN, FDN-P | Podbean)
200th Episode: Stop Overconsuming Drugs
Carmen Weir: Well, I scream this from the top of my lungs. I swear this will be on my gravestone. Food is medicine, treat it as such. Food is medicine, and let it be your medicine. (Download – The Mindset Of An Incredible Cancer Survivor w/ Carmen Weir | Podbean)
Christa Lyons: Read ingredient labels. (Download – How FDN Gave Christa The Confidence To Have A BOOMING Business w/ Christa Lyons, FDN-P | Podbean)
Victoria Franca: Ooh, that would be sleep earlier. Sleep around 9:30,10:00 PM. That would be my wish for the world. (Download – FDN Victoria Gets Accepted To Forbes Business Council w/ Victoria Franca, FDN-P | Podbean)

Dr. Bradley Campbell: I would get them to stop doing their drugs every day and start doing them with more intention. That includes caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, unless they’re prescribed a drug. I think most people are overconsuming drugs on a daily basis, and that’s leaving them not truly authentic to who they are. They’re covering up a lot of their physical and emotional health problems by waking up early with caffeine in the morning or using alcohol or marijuana to go to bed.
It leads to a perpetual state of stress and then eventual burnout. Then that leads to a plethora of health issues. So, if I could do one thing for everybody, I would get them to stop doing their drugs every day and start truly enjoying and valuing when they do, do them on a less frequent basis. (Download – Extremism In Medicine, Organic vs. Local, And A Concussion That Knocked Dr. Campbell 2 Years Back w/ Dr. Bradley Campbell, ND, DC | Podbean)
Sleep 8 Hours a Night
Jeremy Quinby: I’d get them to sleep eight hours a night.

I mean there’s so much restorative work that happens in sleep. It’s amazing to see how kids can sleep and not every kid can sleep well. I mean, I work with some of those kids too. But as we age, I think just the number of things that we’re processing makes it harder and harder for us to fall asleep, to stay asleep.
And then if we have any physical challenges going on, I mean, when I had back problems, I slept horribly. And just what that ends up doing for our mental-emotional states too. I think if I could get everyone that I’m working with too, and it’s one of the first things that I do when I first start working with people is I make them commit to for the next four weeks, to add a half hour a night of sleep.
Basically, either you gotta do it on the front end or on the back end. But I think for most people they gotta go to bed earlier. I’ll usually suggest getting off of devices and setting some boundaries around when you’re taking emails and texts and work-related stuff too, because that all eats into that stuff. But that’s the magic wand that I’d like to use. (Download – The Magic Of Craniosacral Therapy w/ Jeremy Quinby | Podbean)
Be Very Cognizant of Your Breathing
Madalyn Tavares: Oh, man. I’m going to go with the first thing that came to my mind, which is to get outside, get your bare feet on the earth. I know that sounds a bit woo-woo, but if you can just breathe some fresh air, spend some time with people that you love, spend time outside, roll around in the dirt with your animals, like, just allow yourself to be exposed and in nature. I think we spend a lot of time inside.
I’m extremely guilty of this. Most of my work is inside. But if you can get outside, get that fresh air, get the vitamin D from the sun, and just enjoy being in nature. (Download – Navigating Toxins In Our Modern World w/ Madalyn Tavares | Podbean)
Baldo Garzas: I think that for me, I would say, it’s kind of a combination. But the answer is meditation and being very cognizant of your breathing. For me, that’s the most important thing.

There are so many times that I find myself in a certain situation, and the first thing that I notice now is like, well, how am I breathing? When I feel like I can’t control anything else, then I can at least control my breathing, slow it down. Usually what happens is that I start getting solutions for different problems that I’m thinking about or that I’m stressed about. It’s kind of reverse engineering, right? Like the breath is the first thing that happens.
But for me, it comes from the meditation. My meditation in the morning is kind of like a calibration. That way, whenever I know that I’m not in that state, I can easily bring it back through my breath.
Mindfulness Practice
Nurse Jonathan Mendoza: I knew you were probably going to say that. Mine would be everyone would stop eating processed sugar. And he probably knew I was going to say that too. (Download – IV Nutrient Therapy And The How Do You Health Festival w/ Baldomero Garza and Nurse Jonathan Mendoza | Podbean)
Amitay Eshel: Mindfulness practice, meditation. Bar none. I mean, very easy research shows improvement in health and inflammation reduction. I think we have two things that we’re doing in this life. Like we’re taking care of our own happiness in both cases, but the first one is more active. And the other one is improving our environment so the environment can then be conducive to a better life for us. I’m obviously talking about it in a very selfish way, so it would be applicable to everyone.

But you know, if I’m the only one that has a good life, everyone around me does not, I’m going to suffer because I’m going to have to live in a castle detached from everyone else. I think mindfulness practice does both. It improves your health and well-being. And if you could spread that around, it’s going to be obviously a huge benefit to the environment, to people around you, to everyone. (Download – How To Reverse The Age Of Your Skin w/ Amitay Eshel | Podbean)
Invest in Mindset Therapy, Be Open to Changing Your Opinion, & Forgive
Tara Garrison: Man, that’s a tough one. My mind is going to so many places.
I would say, honestly, it’s a kind of outside-of-the-box answer but investing in help on how you relate to yourself and your mindset, whether that’s therapy or coaching or something like that. The way that you see life, if you can start to change the lens of reality through which you see life, you can start to change all of your health patterns.
That’s why I do mindset coaching in my health coaching. Because it’s like, Dude, how many times have you done a freaking plan? It’s not that, it’s the lens through which you’re seeing life. So, I would say like subconscious mind reprogramming. Some sort of program that offers that is what I would want for people. Then they can change all of it way more easily because of the way that they’re looking at life and themselves and all of that. So, mindset work. (Download – Entrepreneurship, Strength Training, And Coaching Celebrities w/ Tara Garrison | Podbean)

Nicole Ritter: Be open to changing their opinion and open to learning, two things. (Download – Taking On 200 Clients In The First 2 Years As An FDN w/ Nicole Ritter, FDN-P | Podbean)
Christi Clemons: I’m having a hard time choosing between resolve your trauma and forgiveness. I’d probably say forgiveness cause that would resolve a lot of trauma. So, practice forgiveness. It doesn’t matter what they did, who they are, whether they’re living or deceased, forgiveness is not for them, it’s for you. Resolve it and just let go. (Episode 194: Energy Healing – The Missing Piece of Healthcare? w/ Christi Clemons, MA, CHt Energy Healing: The Missing Piece of Healthcare? (
Aline McCarthy: Prioritize sleep. I think that is so undervalued. Every single cell in your body has a circadian clock. We are all exposed to screen light. We don’t spend enough time in nature anymore. I think the health disruption from not sleeping enough and having too much blue light and not enough sunlight is absolutely massive. (Download – Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis GONE w/ Aline McCarthy, FDN-P | Podbean)

Danielle Daem: Trusting my intuition here, the first thing that came to me is getting them to spend time every day just connecting with themselves. So, taking a minute to just be with yourself and learn to look inward and just connect with that beautiful human that has been hiding in there. (Download – The Relationship Between Trauma And Sugar Addiction w/ Danielle Daem | Podbean)
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