Facing Infertility-How the FDN Approach Can Help


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There are many women who struggle with infertility issues. This can be particularly painful on an emotional level for women and their partners, and can be intensely stressful as well. The stress can throw the body into a state of even greater dysfunction.

But infertility is a symptom of a body that is out of balance. And healing the body at the root level many times can improve fertility issues.

In this interview Reed Davis interviews FDN practitioner Brigit Danner who specializes in working with clients who have been dealing with fertility issues.  Bridgit has a Masters degree in Oriental medicine as well as being an FDN practitioner. In this interview, Brigit discusses the challenges that women with infertility issues face. She also talks about what practitioners can expect when they choose to work with clients who face infertility issues.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Dealing with a client’s emotions
  • Addressing client’s feelings of self worth because of infertility problems.
  • Intensity of stress while going through infertility.
  • Relationship problems that can develop during the fertility struggle.
  • Times you should wait and not try to get pregnant while healing the body.
  • Why couples don’t discuss fertility early in their relationship.
  • What ways that the FDN D.R.E.S.S. protocol is great for fertility.
  • Inflammation and fertility.
  • The gut and fertility.
  • How structural issues can contribute to infertility.
  • Is there a special diet to help for fertility?
  • Supplements that can help with infertility.
  • Advice for new practitioners who want to specialize in infertility issues.
  • How you can market infertility issues as a health coach.
  • How can you support the body while a woman is going through IVF.
  • Are women going into menopause and perimenopause earlier?

To learn more about Bridgit Danner, learn more about how she is helping those with fertility problems or to work with her, visit her website at Bridgitdanner.com.


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