View on Exercise: Summary
FDNs view on exercise emphasizes the importance of balanced physical activity based on individual health needs, particularly hormone levels. While acknowledging that discussions on labs might be more exciting, the hosts point out the significance of understanding exercise from this FDN viewpoint. Evan and Lucy discuss the impacts of inappropriate exercise routines, such as over-exercising, on overall health, citing personal experiences and stressing the body’s need for recovery to function optimally.
Detective Ev and Lucy also touch on the importance of individualized exercise recommendations based on one’s hormonal health and the dangers of over-exercising, particularly for those struggling with HPA axis dysfunction and chronic stress. The episode highlights the benefits of various forms of exercise, advocating for adjustments based on clients’ capabilities and stressing the significance of outdoor activities and simple, sustainable practices in achieving holistic health.
View on Exercise: Topics
00:00 Introduction to FDN’s Perspective on Exercise
00:42 Lucy’s Personal Exercise Journey
02:22 Evan’s Experience with Exercise and Hormonal Health
06:14 Client Experiences and Exercise Recommendations
09:16 The Importance of Balanced Exercise
18:31 Holistic Health and Simple Lifestyle Changes
20:24 The Growing Popularity of Holistic Health
22:06 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Where to Find Lucy McKellar and AFDNP

- INSTAGRAM: fdntraining
- FACEBOOK: FunctionalDiagnosticNutrition
- YOUTUBE: FDNtraining
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