How Can A Nurse Become A Health Coach?


Functional Diagnostic Nutrition How Can A Nurse Become A Health Coach

How Can a Nurse Become a Health Coach. Nursing is a tiring and not always appreciated job. The current healthcare system is making it nearly impossible for nurses to effectively support the numerous patients seen on a daily basis.

Nursing is a tiring and not always appreciated job. The current healthcare system is making it nearly impossible for nurses to effectively support the numerous patients seen on a daily basis.

More than ever, trained and skilled nurses are looking for a way to assist patients without pushing medications. And one of the best ways to aid patients with positive lifestyle behavior changes is by becoming a nurse health coach.

What is a nurse health coach?

A nurse who is a health coach is an ally, with one thing in common, helping to facilitate healthy lifestyle behavior changes.

A nurse makes a great health coach due to their nursing background, education, and training.

Nurse health coaches bridge the gaps in the healthcare system.

A nurse health coach supports patients and clients by:

  • Helping clarify their health and lifestyle goals
  • Negotiating a plan of action
  • Providing emotional support
  • Acting as an accountability partner
  • Celebrating the success of desired outcomesWhat better way to become empowered in the profession you love, help patients and clients achieve their health and happiness goals, while enjoying a sense of autonomy than by becoming a nurse health coach.Of course, there is no equivalent to the superior training and skills of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioners. FDN training sets you apart from all other health and wellness coaches by helping you to understand the mental/emotional, physiological, bio-chemical and behavioral factors required to improve your client’s overall health and well-being.

    That’s why Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) practitioners are the most successful health coaches in health and wellness today.

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