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Primal Trust Approach to Healing Chronic Illness and Trauma
Discussion Topics Include:
Address the potential challenges and misconceptions surrounding nervous system work. What are some common pitfalls individuals may encounter, and how does Primal Trust™ provide guidance to navigate these challenges effectively.
Leaky Skin: Skin barrier dysfunction as an independent risk factor for chronic disease.
Discussion Topics Include:
Understanding how skin microbiome dysbiosis causes a loss of skin resilience and function leading to typical aging symptoms and an underlying barrier dysfunction.
How this barrier dysfunction plays a role in the risk and progression of chronic disease.
The Benefits of Glucose and Ketone Testing for the Patient, Practitioner, and Society
Discussion Topics Include:
Why glucose and ketone testing are vital to establishing and maintaining metabolic health, not only for the patient, and the practitioner but for society as a whole.
How to easily create a path to metabolic health by dialing in nutrition choices, utilizing the map and compass model.
How data-driven technology can help practitioners and coaches achieve greater adherence to therapeutic carbohydrate restriction, resulting in improved health outcomes.
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