Interview with the Naughty Nutritionist….Kaayla T Daniel, PhD!


Interview with the Naughty Nutritionist....Kaayla T Daniel PhD

Reed recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Kaayla T. Daniel to talk about everything from bacon to libido. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD is known as The Naughty Nutritionist® because she “tells the truth that’s too hot to handle.”

Kaayla is coauthor of the bestselling book Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World (2014) and the author of The Whole Soy Story:The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food (2005).

She received the Integrity in Science Award from the Weston A. Price Foundation in 2005, the Health Freedom Fighter Award from Freedom Law School in 2009, and the BadAss Award from the Paleo-Primal-Price Foundation in 2015.

Kaayla has been a guest on The Dr. Oz Show, PBS Healing Quest, NPR’s People’s Pharmacy, ABC’s View from the Bay, and Discovery Channel’s Medical Hotseat, and has appeared with Dr. Mark Hyman, JJ Virgin, Gary Taubes, Charles Poliquin, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Joel Salatin, David Wolfe and other prominent health experts.  She has spoken at numerous conferences, including  Ancestral Health, Paleo f(x), BoulderFest, Wise Traditions, National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP), Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) and Bio-Signature.

Visit Kaayla’s website and join her on Facebook at

Questions that will be answered in this interview

  • Can you explain the “fats of life”?
  • Are low-fat, low-cholesterol foods contributing to the epidemic of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders?
  • Why is America experiencing an epidemic of infertility — now 1 in 7 couples, and predicted to soon be 1 in 3?
  • Why are more than 70 million Americans experiencing loss of libido or other sexual dysfunction?
  • How did red meat get its dangerous reputation?
  • What are your opinions on chelation for detox?
  • Can bacon really be good for us?
  • What’s wrong with the plant-based diet fad?
  • What about grains and gluten?
  • Is chocolate a true aphrodisiac? Why do British women prefer chocolate to sex?
  • Do oysters deserve their reputation as ”The King of Aphrodisiacs”?
  • What are the best foods to heat up your love life?
  • How did soy become known as a health food?
  • Don’t Asians eat lots of soy and therefore have low levels of breast and prostate cancer?
  • Is soy contributing to America’s epidemic of hypothyroidism?
  • Is that a true rumor about soy dampening the libido?
  • What soy products are the healthiest?  Which ones are best avoided?
  • How many months must a client take it before they see a reduction in joint pain, increase in mobility etc?
  • Who was Dr. John F. Prudden?  Why is he called the Father of Cartilage Therapy?  How did you meet him and what does his work have to do with broth?
  • What are Dr. Daniel’s future plans?


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