Discover the Science Behind Your Stress Response
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Discover the Science Behind Your Stress Response
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that underpin what many refer to as “adrenal fatigue.” This comprehensive primer explores the critical roles of the HPA axis, limbic system, and autonomic nervous system in managing chronic stress responses.
Learn why focusing on disease treatment might not be as effective as addressing the root causes within the HPA axis.
From the intricate relationships between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to shifting from old to new paradigms in understanding stress impacts, gain a holistic view of how your body responds to stress and what you can do about it.
This lesson covers…
that underpin what many refer to as “adrenal fatigue.” This comprehensive primer explores the critical roles of the HPA axis, limbic system, and autonomic nervous system in managing chronic stress responses.
Learn why focusing on disease treatment might not be as effective as addressing the root causes within the HPA axis.
From the intricate relationships between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to shifting from old to new paradigms in understanding stress impacts, gain a holistic view of how your body responds to stress and what you can do about it.
This lesson covers…