The Online Health Coaching Program For You!

With over 85 percent of chronic disease being driven by behavior and environment, Health Coaches have a critical role to play in healthcare. According to a study from the Mayo Clinic, only 2.7 percent of Americans live a healthy lifestyle. The reality is behavior change is hard, and most people do not know how to […]
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition | How Health Coaches Help to Inspire Real Long-Term Change

A lot of important decisions concerning health and wellness are affected by hyperbolic discounting.
How a Health Coach Can Help Corporations Reach Their Goals As Employers

Chronic diseases and related lifestyle risk factors are the leading drivers of health care costs for employers and employees. Productivity losses linked to employees who miss work cost employers $225.8 billion, or approximately $1,700 per employee, annually.
Why an Online Health Coaching Business Works

As people’s needs and wellness evolve, so must the practitioners who help them. With health coaches being a major part of this health & wellness evolution; the next logical step is finding ways to reach and help more clients. Creating an on-line health coaching business is a logical first step.
Getting Started in Corporate Wellness

High stress and toxic work environments have a dramatic impact on worker’s health, well-being, and happiness. Poor health and morale equates to poor work performance, ultimately effecting the success of the organization and is costly in terms of outcomes and health claims.
Health Coaching Gains Favor Among Consumers, Insurers, & Employers

Americans need help! 86 percent of the nation’s $2.7 trillion annual health care expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions.