Do Health Coaches Make Money?

Do Health Coaches make money? The answer is YES… because Health Coaching career options are unlimited! As a Health Coach, you may start out with the vision of working with clients about nutrition, and making health a priority in their lives. However, somewhere down the road you might want to move away from the traditional […]
Could Health Coaching Be for You?

There has been a new and growing movement in how people are looking at caring for their health. Many are turning to health coaches to manage their health and nutritional needs. Most people who go into the health coaching profession are already personally invested in their own health and nutrition. Many are currently in related […]
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Health Coaches Help Doctors

In a primary care practice, a Health Coach transforms the patient experience and the clinical outcomes. A strong collaboration between a skilled physician and a well-trained Health Coach supports lasting behavior change and has a profound impact on patients’ health and wellbeing. Here is how health coaches help doctors facilitate change in Primary Care. Health […]
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Reasons Why People Need You as Their Health Coach

The health of Americans steadily declines despite the amount of money spent on health care, high-technology medicine, and educational efforts. Diabetes and obesity rates are sky-rocketing among adults and children, and unless people start taking responsibility for their own health and nutrition, this pattern will continue. A FDN health coach has the comprehensive training and […]
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition | How Health Coaches Help to Inspire Real Long-Term Change

A lot of important decisions concerning health and wellness are affected by hyperbolic discounting.
How a Health Coach Can Help Corporations Reach Their Goals As Employers

Chronic diseases and related lifestyle risk factors are the leading drivers of health care costs for employers and employees. Productivity losses linked to employees who miss work cost employers $225.8 billion, or approximately $1,700 per employee, annually.