The Growing Trends in Health Coaching


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Why is health and wellness coaching the top emerging trend today?

With the looming health crisis in our country and around the world, more people are looking for help and solutions outside the medical box.

Health coaching offers that 1-1 experience which encompasses a lot of the missing pieces in health care.

Health coaches can guide their clients through dietary changes, health goals, stress management, fitness goals as well as lifestyle behavioral changes.

What are the top growing trends in health coaching?

  • Health coaches are finding their place in many medical settings.

The Affordable Care Act prompted wellness programs to include health and wellness coaching.

With doctors and medical practices being “paid for performance” they are seeking health coaches to help improve the care and success of their patients.

  • Most health savings accounts now cover health or wellness coaching.

Insurance companies have also recognized the value and are now offering discounts on premiums for companies and organizations that include health coaching in their wellness programs.

  • Technology is helping to drive the field of health coaching.

Health coaches are using technology more than ever, making it easier to communicate with their clients, develop programs and set hours and appointments.

Of course there is no equivalent to the superior training and skills of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioners, making them the most desired and successful health coaches in the world of health and wellness.

And that’s it for this week’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Vlog of the Week.

Isn’t it time you help your clients on a deeper level?


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