Traditional Nursing Jobs vs. Entrepreneurship: Which is Riskier?


“You’re quitting your job to do WHAT…???”

It’s not uncommon for nurses to get some pretty critical responses from family + friends when they finally work up the courage to share that they’re considering leaving behind their traditional healthcare jobs.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about this idea of becoming an online health coach or practitioner for a long time. 

Or maybe it’s still a brand new idea to you. 

Either way, when you make the jump to leave nursing for a less “traditional” path, you’ll be faced with lots of questions. 

Mostly from a place of genuine concern from people who assume you’re headed down a risky road!

Butttt…before you let fear take the reins, let’s chat about the facts. 

In this blog, we’re going to address a few major topics, including:

  1. What really is an online wellness business?
  2. What are the financial benefits of having one?
  3. What are the personal benefits?


Let’s dive in!

At its core, an online wellness business is where health professionals deliver their services online, instead of face-to-face. 

Have you ever come across those wellness experts online who send you emails, publish articles, and maybe even post helpful content on social media? 

Maybe they specialize in a specific health issue – like menopause, PMS, or aging.

THAT is what we’re talking about here.

With an online wellness business, you can coach clients, run online courses, offer webinars, and create personalized wellness plans—all from home (or anywhere else in the world).

Benefits of Having an Online Wellness Practice

As leaders in the functional health coaching industry, we’ve always believed having an online wellness practice is the best path for health professionals wanting to make a BIG impact.

And, we argue it’s the most secure route, too.


Here’s why:

Multiple revenue streams:

Instead of relying on a single paycheck, you can diversify your revenue by offering online courses, digital products, membership programs, and even affiliate marketing – all in addition to client sessions. 

This variety not only boosts your earnings, but also provides financial stability. When one income stream slows down, others can pick up the slack! 

Plus, with digital products and programs, you can earn passive income—making money even when you’re not actively working.

Income flexibility:

YOU are in the driver’s seat of what you charge.

This means you have the freedom to adjust your rates based on demand, your experience, and the value you provide to your clients. 

Unlike your traditional healthcare role with a fixed salary, you have the power to increase your income as your business grows and your expertise deepens.

On the same note, you can also ramp up work (and slow down) when you need to. 

For example, if you want to take your family to Hawaii for spring break, you have the flexibility to adjust your workload beforehand to bring in extra cash, then take off for vacation!

When you work at the hospital or clinic, you are more impacted by the ups & downs of the local economy. 

But online…your audience is global. This means you’re not affected by local economic downturns or a crowded market. 

You can reach clients from all over the world, expanding your impact and growing your business regardless of local conditions. 

This global reach also allows you to serve a different demographic of people you never could have helped before. 

For example, you may live in the city, but you can work with people in rural areas who have limited access to high-quality healthcare.

Talk about making an impact! 

As a business owner, you can deduct a variety of expenses from your taxable income: 

  • Home Internet
  • Tech & Software Subscriptions
  • Charitable Donations
  • Home Office Expenses 
  • Professional Development (certification programs, books, etc.)

These tax benefits can substantially reduce your overall tax burden, allowing you to reinvest more of your earnings back into your business. 

We recommend consulting with a tax professional to maximize your benefits (it’s a write-off ).

Now, those are just the financial benefits!

Are there other personal benefits, too?


  • Support your own health issues (burnout, chronic acne, Hashimotos, etc.)
  • Help people on a deeper level using holistic approaches
  • Work from home (or anywhere in the world!)
  • Create a weekly schedule that fits your life
  • Join a lucrative and rapidly growing industry
  • Feel fulfilled by your career again (perhaps more than you ever have before!)

Is this starting to sound like the best career option out there?

We think so! 

But don’t just take our word for it…

We believe sharing other FDN students’ stories is the best way to show you what’s actually possible for you.

Practitioners in our community go on to build wildly successful businesses. Some generate up to $500,000 in revenue and have a multiple-month waitlist to work with them.

But what ALL these experts have in common is that they’re getting to work from home doing what they love – helping others live happier and healthier lives.

“Applying FDN in my life has helped me be 10 years skin cancer free, manage Hashimotos naturally and successfully recover from mold illness. Being an FDN Practitioner allows me to help others around the world also find the missing pieces of their health puzzle so they can get back to feeling like themselves again, too.”

– Jenn Malecha, FDNP

“FDN gave me the confidence to implement new teachings in my business immediately, and it has helped me grow personally and professionally in so many ways. As an IIN graduate and health coach I felt I could help more individuals if I could dig deeper, and FDN has given me the tools to do that!”

– Deb Pomeroy

“When I saw the program and course curriculum, I knew right away it was exactly what I needed to be doing, as I had already been studying most of the subjects. I was also looking for something I could do from home while still being able to stay true to my passion for helping people live their best lives.”

– Jason Boyd

YOU can have this life, too! It all starts with the FDN Program.

If you’ve made it this far, it means you’re feeling the pull to take this leap! 

And the only risk, then, is doing nothing. 

Because if nothing changes, nothing changes!

The first step is to take module 1 for FREE.

You’ll get a taste of the course curriculum and what FDN is all about! 

Then, go join our free community channel to connect with other health professionals and wellness enthusiasts like you who are interested in joining FDN. 


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