Training Oxalates​

Oxalates are naturally occurring substances found in plants and produced inside the human body.

Do you have clients who are eating a healthy diet, yet are experiencing pain throughout their body?

Oxalates are naturally occurring substances found in plants and produced inside the human body. Unfortunately, oxalates are anti-nutrients which interfere with the absorption of minerals and can form sharp, knife-like crystals in the body which get lodged in tissues and organs, causing pain and inflammation. While the body can handle low to moderate amounts of oxalates, problems develop when there are excessively high levels of oxalates, which can occur due to a number of factors.

Course Overview

Do you have clients who are eating a healthy diet, yet are experiencing pain throughout their body?

Or, clients who are struggling with Candida yeast overgrowth, despite a grain-free/sugar-free diet and several rounds of anti-fungal herbs?
What about clients who are experiencing mineral deficiencies, bone loss, inflamed joints and muscles, frequent urinary tract infections, or kidney stones? These can all be symptoms of excessive amounts of oxalates in the body.

Just a few things you’ll learn in this Advanced Oxalates Course

  • What are oxalates
  • Sources of oxalates
  • Normal oxalate metabolism
  • Reasons why oxalate levels become excessively elevated in the body
  • How excess oxalates harm the body
  • Symptoms of excess oxalates
  • How oxalates become a problem
  • Oxalates testing
  • Test interpretations and identification of basic patterns of dysfunction
  • Other test that help identify contributing factors to excess oxalates in the body
  • Key elements of an Oxalate Lowering Program
  • How to do a Low Oxalate Diet
  • Strategic supplementation to address oxalate-related issues

What's Included...

2 hours on-demand video

Quiz at the end of each lesson

Practitioner Reference Guide

Client Oxalates Handout

2 PDC (like CEUs)

This course is open to the public and you do NOT have to be a graduate of the FDN Program in order to learn more about Oxalates.


Lesson 1

Oxalate Introduction

Identify the basics of oxalates, their sources and symptoms of excess oxalates. Understand normal oxalate metabolism in the body & how they become elevated in the body.
Lesson 2

Diving Deeper

Dig into how oxalates become a problem. Understand various ways oxalates become excessive in the body and when to suspect an excess oxalate problem.
Lesson 3


Learn the ins & outs of oxalate testing, including some problems with oxalate testing and other tests to use in conjunction.
Lesson 4


Dive into the strategies to decrease excess oxalates, including nutrition and supplementation.
Lesson 5

Clinical Toolkit

50 page Oxalate Practitioner Reference Guide; Client Information Sheet Handout.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the course?
The course contains 2 hours of video teaching. So if you watch it from start to finish, that’s how long it would take to complete, plus 5-10 minutes per module for quizzes. If you really want to understand and apply the content, we recommend 2 hours of studying for every 1 hour of teaching (6 hours total).
No! Anyone qualifies to take this course.
Absolutely! If you’re experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of excess oxalates in your body this course will teach you how to turn things around and reclaim your health.
100! If you’re a health coach trying to help your clients overcome the pain of excess oxalates, this course will help you learn how to identify symptoms, test for it and make recommendations so your clients can start their journey towards healing.

Purchase the FDN Advanced Course today and begin learning!


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