Qigong For Healers

Qigong literally means Energy Cultivation.

The ancient Chinese developed highly effective treatments for chronic illness, psychological imbalances, and traumatic injuries which we are only now beginning to understand.

Qigong literally means Energy Cultivation. The ancient Chinese developed highly effective treatments for chronic illness, psychological imbalances, and traumatic injuries which we are only now beginning to understand. They did this with what was available to them in nature and in their own bodies.

Course Overview

Just a few things you’ll learn in this Advanced Qigong For Healers Course

  • Slow the aging process
  • Relieve pain and fatigue
  • Clear the effects of stress
  • Improve your health
  • Look younger

What's Included...

1 PDC (like CEUs)

This course is open to the public and you do NOT have to be a graduate of the FDN Program in order to learn more about Qigong For Healers.


Lesson 1

Qigong Introduction

Foundations of Qigong and the research behind it.
Lesson 2


Learn Qigong best practices.
Lesson 3

Diving Deeper

Dive into the background information you’ll need for the exercises you’ll learn.
Lesson 4

Phase 1 Aligning

We dig into the causes of HPA axis dysfunction, and if we can really call it “adrenal fatigue”.
Lesson 5

Phase 2 Releasing

This movement supports the lungs and the colon, and encourages the letting go of limiting emotions, beliefs, and expectations.
Lesson 6

Phase 3 Connecting

Learning the movement that supports the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. It encourages being grounded and present in the moment.
Lesson 7

Phase 4 Opening

This movement supports the heart and small intestine. It encourages awareness, warmth, and joy.
Lesson 8

Phase 5 Trusting

This movement supports the liver and the gallbladder. It encourages vision, faith, and courage.
Lesson 9


Learn to flow the movements together.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the Qigong For Healers course?
The course contains 14 hours of video teaching. So if you watch it from start to finish, that’s how long it would take to complete, plus 5-10 minutes per module for quizzes. If you really want to understand and apply the content, I recommend 2 hours of studying for every 1 hour of teaching (42 hours total).
No! Anyone qualifies to take this course.
Absolutely! This course is packed full of practical steps to implement on diet, rest, exercise, and stress management from a functional perspective. Our students constantly ask for supplement protocols, and this course contains dozens of specific supplement protocols for different hormone imbalances. With this information, you’ll be able to make impressive strides in your own health journey. NOTE: This course is only useful if you have a hormone lab to look at – Access to the DUTCH lab, or other urine or saliva hormone testing is recommended.
This is the exact course on hormones that we recommend for our own FDN health coaches. Hundreds of FDNs have taken the Stress + Hormones Course and have used the material in their own practices to the benefit of their clients. We’ve seen amazing hormone health transformations as coaches apply this material with clients. From PMS to PCOS to infertility to estrogen dominance, you can be sure this Advanced course will give you the confidence you need to help your toughest hormone client cases.

Purchase the FDN Advanced Course Today!


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