Thyroid Function

Thyroid Function, Assessment & Intervention

Thyroid Function Course: The Right Way to Look at Numbers

The thyroid’s role in health is huge!

Learning how to look at Thyroid numbers the right way can make a huge difference in how you support your clients.  Knowing how to help them beyond medication can have a big impact on their lives.
The thyroid gland is the master of metabolic function throughout your body; it controls metabolism at a cellular level. 
It is responsible for numerous physiological functions and plays a key role in regulating body temperature, glucose & hormone metabolism, nutrient absorption and digestion.  It also influences liver function, aging, cholesterol levels and metabolism.  So, what happens when things go wrong?

Course Overview

In this course we will teach you how to identify the signs of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism from a functional perspective.  We’ll show you what questions to ask and teach you how to determine why dysfunction is present. More importantly, we will teach you how to address the cause of the dysfunction. 

Just a few things you’ll learn in this Advanced Thyroid Course

  • Thyroid anatomy & physiology
  • Expanded terrain of thyroid function – adrenals, liver & gut
  • Common signs & symptoms of thyroid dysfunction
  • Underlying causal factors of cardiovascular dysfunction
  • Strategies for intervention
  • Immune system 101
  • Thyroid testing – when, why, and what
  • Test interpretation & identification of basic patterns of dysfunction
  • Autoimmune thyroid disorders – Hashimoto’s & Graves Disease
  • Case studies & further investigation

We want you to have all

The right tools at your fingertips

We’ll not only give you all that, but we will also give you access to nutritional guidelines for healing thyroid dysfunction and restoring health to your clients, as well as which dietary toxins are the most common offenders in dysfunction. Learn the role of goitrogens in thyroid health, the effect of inflammation, leaky gut & autoimmunity on thyroid function.

Want More?

We’ll cover topics that shed light on the role of gluten in thyroid autoimmunity. We’ll talk about Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Graves disease, and the role of the immune system in thyroid autoimmunity. You will learn how commonly prescribed medications can disrupt thyroid function, what nutrients can support it, and other factors that can support thyroid function.

What's Included...

3 hours on-demand video

Quiz at the end of each lesson

Client Thyroid Handout

Practitioner Reference Guide

3 PDC (like CEUs)

Purchase Thyroid Function , Assessment & Intervention today and begin learning!


Lesson 1

Physiological Functions
Understanding the basic physiological functions & hormone impact that you’ll need as a foundation before going deeper into thyroid health.
Lesson 2
Symptoms & Causes
Dig into symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, the underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction, and the influence of other bodily systems on the thyroid gland.
Lesson 3
Thyroid Markers
Compare standard lab reference ranges vs functional reference ranges. Learn when to test thyroid function, and patterns of thyroid dysfunction. We dig into each thyroid marker, discussing optimal ranges for each, possible reasons the marker may be high or low, other blood chemistry patterns that correlate, and other functional lab tests to correlate with each marker.
Lesson 4
Foundational Principles for Healing
Learn the foundational principles for healing thyroid dysfunction and restoring health. We review nutritional guidelines, dietary toxins, important diet considerations, and lifestyle considerations, and non-prescription & prescription thyroid support.
Lesson 5
Case Study Review
Review several case studies and lab evaluations.
Lesson 6
Clinical Toolkit
Practitioner Reference Guide and a Thyroid Client Handout Info Sheet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the Thyroid course?
The course contains 3 hours of video teaching. So if you watch it from start to finish, that’s how long it will take to complete, plus 5 – 10 minutes per module for quizzes. If you really want to dig in and understand the content, I recommend applying the old college rule: 2 hours of studying for every 1 hour of teaching (9 hours total). If you take full advantage of the bonus content, you could easily add another 5-10 hours (14-19 hours total).
No! Anyone qualifies to take this course.
This course puts you at an advantage in understanding your own health. The goal of this course is to help you learn more about thyroid health. You will see that it’s not just for health coaches and functional practitioners, but anyone with a thyroid issue can benefit from this course! But remember, if you have a specific condition, please consult your doctor!
In this course, you’ll learn all about the thyroid- knowledge that will enhance your skills as a practitioner! As for clients? They’re guaranteed to reap benefits too.

We’ll teach you about the in-depth tests that can help your thyroid detective work

We will show you how to interpret the results and understand what those results mean about specific thyroid function.


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